Chapter 69: Mew X Gulf ..🧡

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"Let go home" Mew said as he pulled Gulf's hand and headed to the basement of the company to his car.

The ride home was silent and Mew couldn't understand the reason for it. Mew held Gulf's hand as he drove but Gulf was observing the scenery that was passing by as the car moved

"Gulf....." Mew called him

The radio was humming a love song at the background but the passengers paid no head to it. Mew shut the radio down as he called Gulf again

"Gulf" Mew shook his hand but Gulf still didn't turn around...... but why? Mew couldn't wrap his head around the reason

"Let's have dinner at my home" Mew said, not sure if he was asking or telling Gulf about it

"hmmm" was all Gulf responded

In silence, Mew parked his car in the basement and headed to open Gulf's door as he didn't open it himself, he didn't even remove his seat belt, so Mew did it and then slowly Gulf stepped down from the car as Mew stepped to the side

"Gulf" Mew took Gulf's hand and Gulf shook him off as he headed to the private elevator and pressed in his fingerprint in the slot..... Mew had Gulf's fingerprints registered so that he didn't have to wait for Mew to go to the 95th floor, incase he was not there........

Mew closed the door of the car and jogged towards Gulf the moment he reached the elevator pinged and Gulf got in followed by Mew

"Gulf are you angry at me?" Mew finally asked the question that was floating on his head

The elevator door opened at the 95th floor and they got out of it, Gulf followed by Mew but in front of the door Mew back hugged Gulf

"Gulf are you angry at me?, please tell me or else I will not know" Mew begged Gulf as he tried to get answers

Gulf put in the passcode for Mew's apartment and the door clicked

"And if I am...what are you going to do about it?" Gulf said as he opened the door and walked in stunning Mew on the spot as the door shut on his face

"Bow, Bow, Bow"

Seconds later the door opened and Gulf was almost in his arms.......

A flash back of what had happened.....

Gulf opened the door and walked in as he was angry at Mew, but he forgot that Mew was not the only resident of this apartment, Chopper was too and he was sitting right in front of the door, so when Gulf walked in alone without Mew, the dog barked and Gulf almost reverse with full speed opening the door and jumping into Mew's chest

"You never get used to it" Mew laughed at Gulf's reaction, this was his Gulf, he would never used to his reaction. Mew stroked Gulf's cheek but Gulf pushed it off


"I am still angry at you" Gulf said as he went behind Mew and pushed him towards the door. Mew opened the door and walked in and picked up Chopper in a hug and walked towards his food dispenser and filled it

Gulf on the other hand went and sat on the sofa and switched on the TV to watch the random show that was on.

"Gulf, what do you want to eat?" Mew asked as he hanged his coat on the coat hanger and turned towards Gulf and Gulf turned his ears away

"Gulf..." Mew said as he slowly walked towards Gulf and sat next to him and held his hands in his

"Are you listening to me?" Mew said and then picked up the TV remote and shut it so that Gulf would focus on him. Gulf picked up the remote and switched it on again and Mew shut it off again, until Gulf out of annoyance looked straight at Mew.......all I can say that he had too much patience

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