Chapter 60: ..them!!

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"Mr. Ohm" Mrs. Jongcheevevat said as she turned around to the familiar voice

"Mrs. Jongcheevevat, to what do I owe you this visit?"

"What is wrong with visiting my own son's office"

"Nothing" Ohm said as he took the phone out of his pocket and handed it to her

"What is this?" She inquired

"Play it" he pointed at the audio

She played it and was stunned

"Ohm, don't let anyone in my office till I get back, not even my own mother......except G" Ohm closed the recording

"Let me hear the whole thing" she demanded

"This is more than enough for you" Ohm said in a stern voice

Ohm had dual position in the company. Not only was he a regional officer, he was the head of the security as well. Mrs. Jongcheevevat knew that he wouldn't budge if Mew had given his orders. He didn't care about anyone once Mew had said what he wanted. His words were the law after Mew and Win.

"Mrs. Jongcheevevat, let's go to my office" Pan offered

"Sure" she said as they walked away. She couldn't believe her own son was doing this to her

"Mrs. Jongcheevevat, welcome, have a seat" Tar said as he gave her his seat

"Welcome" Gulf said as she came in...but she paid no heed to him....

Gulf went back to his work as the three talked..

"Go and make tea for Mrs. Jongcheevevat, don't you have any manners towards the guest" Tar said to Gulf

"Me" Gulf asked confused, he was sure she didn't like him, so him making tea was out of question, not that Gulf minded

" want me to go and make it?" Tar mocked Gulf

Gulf closed his work and headed to the pantry to make tea, but he was clueless as to which tea he should make. He just went with what he felt was right.......

Gulf prepared the tea and gave it to her.

"Keep it on the table" she pointed at the table and then Gulf left that place to go back to his work space

Minutes later, Pan and Tar had excused for some work, now there was only the two of them in the room...

"mmm, this is delicious" Mrs. Jongcheevevat murmured but it was loud enough for Gulf to hear, but Gulf said nothing.

Internally he was thankful that the cup didn't come hurling at him again.

"Did you make this?" She couldn't hold her curiosity

"I did" Gulf said as he tried to avoid the eye contact with her

"Make me another one" she said as she pointed to the cup....guess she has liked it a lot......would this make things easier between them....hopefully!!!

~ ~

"Bright, ......" Gulf looked around nervously

"What happened?"

"I feel like there is someone stalking me"

"Stalking you? Where, outside?" Bright was concerned

"No, within the company..."

"Inside" Bright started thinking..

"I am very uncomfortable....."

"Lend me your ear" Bright planned something with Gulf, something that no one could foresee happening

"I am on it" Gulf gave the thumbs up and headed back to work

The evening came and the boys got ready to head home. Their meet up point was the staircase on the 15th floor.

"Bright where are you" Gulf was talking to Bright on the phone, because Bright was late

"Fine, I will be waiting........." and Gulf slipped down the stairs, the phone went crashing down and so did Gulf or did he??

He was held midair by someone he had never seen in his life....he was right, there was a stalker or more like a protector that was watching him....

"Success" Bright gave Gulf a thumbs up as he came up from the 14th floor stairs. 

"I told you this was going to work" Bright winked

"Nanon, what are you doing here" Mild said as he came up the stairs with Bright

"What are you doing here?" Nanon asked Mild in response

"My juniors wanted to help them catch someone, so they told me to help them. I am not alone, Type and Man are also in on it" Mild said as Man and Type stepped forward....

Nanon scratched his head as they all went to the rest room. Gulf and Bright were itching to question him and they fired questions like a machine gun but the other men calmed them down.

"Who are you? And why are you stalking me?" Gulf asked

"I was assigned by the security team to monitor you" Nanon said as he tried to avoid eye contact

"Why?" Bright asked but Nanon kept his silence

"Let me ask you did you plan the fall to get me out of my hiding?" Nanon was asking now

Gulf and Bright smiled sheepishly

"Do you know how dangerous that you not understand the severity, M..." he paused and then continued ".. they would kill me if anything happened to you both"

"But it was not dangerous at all" Bright reasoned

"Falling down the stairs is not dangerous" Nanon was shocked beyond words, something was wrong with these boys

"But we had it all planned out"

"Planned out?" Nanon was confused

"Because you couldn't see any of it from the stairs on the top. Man, Type and Mild were downstairs with the protective mattress, in case Gulf's hunch was wrong and he actually fell....see everything was planned"

Damn these boys have though this through and through.....

"They?, Who?" Gulf asked

"Who what?" Nanon tried to evade and he was successful

"Do you know each other?" Gulf asked Mild

"We got acquainted in the security department" Mild was being honest.....

"Do you know Chimon? I saw him recently...." Bright was curious. He had seen Chimon recently, but why was the Blacklist guy here,  as he remembered from the last meeting in the room, was he acquainted with Nanon by any chance.........

"I don't know, Chimon........ I mean who is Chimon?" Nanon asked earnestly

"Forget it" Bright said and then he turned to Gulf "There you go, we have him out in the open, now you can be comfortable" Gulf smiled in response

"Thanks for you help, Senior Mild, Man and Type"

"For you boys, anytime" Man smiled

"Let's go home" Gulf said his thanks and left with Bright

"Don't tell Mew or Win about this" Gulf said as he sat in the car with Bright

"I wouldn't, I know they would kill us if they knew about this stunt that we pulled" Bright agreed with Gulf, they valued their heads a lot

Ring Ring Ring

"Who is it?" Bright asked as Gulf's eyes widened in shock........damn was this planned!!!!


A/N: Update lovelies!!!!!

Is Mrs. Jongcheevevat warning up to Gulf or was it only one time because of the tea?

What do you think of the stunt Gulf and Bright pulled? 😭😭

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