Part 2 : The Girl with The Dog

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Lauren's POV

It was Saturday, I had to go to the veterinary center today for work. I was working as a receptionist there. The main receptionist lady was off during the weekend. It was almost eleven when a girl came in with a small dog in her arms. She was beautiful and her dog was cute, she was approaching me and I smiled at her.

"Hello!" I greeted at her

"Hey, I have an appointment at eleven with Dr. Styles."

"Okay, your name, please?"

"Camila Cabello." She was beautiful just like her name, Camila, "and Eugene." She showed her dog and kissed him. I laughed.

"Okay, have a seat please, I will call you, and Eugune soon."

"Okay, Lauren." She called my name. She saw my name tag.

Five minutes later, Dr. Styles was ready for his next patient, "Ms. Cabello and Eugene, Dr. Styles are waiting for you."

She stood up and passed my counter and said, "thanks..."

It was my first encounter with her, the girl with the dog. She didn't cross my mind until I met her for the second time at a birthday party two weeks later.

Lucy asked me to go with her to her friend's birthday party. I didn't go to the party that often as I preferred to stay at home with my books and music.

We arrived at the party on time at seven, and it seemed not that kind of wild party, and the atmosphere was quite chill and a bit classy. Lucy introduced me to her friend who hosted the party, Dinah. She was a friendly and very frank speaking girl, but I liked her. She was kind and welcomed us with her big hug.

Dinah was busy welcoming her guests. Lucy and I were sitting by the corner drinking and talking about random things and looking at the people. I was anxious as most of them seemed to come from a well-off families like Lucy. Lucy saw my anxiety, "relax Lauren, they are good people." She squeezed my hands and smiled at me

"Thanks.." I said quietly.

"Milaa......" Dinah was calling her friend who just came with a loud voice that attracted everyone's attention. Lucy and I looked in the direction where her voice was coming. Dinah was hugging someone and when they separated I saw the girl. It was her, the girl with the dog who I met at work weeks ago.

"Lauren...Lern..." Lucy called me, I didn't realize I was zoning out.

"Yea?" I asked her and turned to look at her.

"Are you okay there?" she looked at me.

"Yea, just, I think I saw her before," I told Lucy.

"Camila?" Lucy seemed to know her.

"Yea, at work, she was coming with her dog." I returned my eyes to where she was.

"Ah yes, she loves dogs."

"You know her?" I asked her.

"Yea, at some summer party. She is Dinah's best friend. Many boys are into her, and girls, too..."

"Not a surprise, She is pretty," I said and still looking at her.

"Yea... she is nice, too. And sweet." Lucy added.

The girl was late so Dinah started the party after she came. We sang the birthday song and she cut the cake and the party get louder after that. Lucy excused herself, she was out of the room for smoking. I was sitting here eating my food, they were too much food selection, so I enjoyed myself. I was a college student, free food was good for me.

"Hey, Lauren, right" I heard someone call me and I looked up. It was the girl with the dog.

"Hi, yea... Camila?" I greeted her back

"Yes, and without Eugune." She laughed at her own joke and I laughed along.

"I never saw you. You know Dinah?"

"No, Yea..." I was a bit nervous, "I meant I didn't know her until an hour ago. I am here with Lucy." She laughed, she has a soothing voice.

"Lucy? Vives or Hale?" Camila asked.

"Vives," I replied and looking at her dreamy brown eyes.

"Ah, Nice, you got a cool girlfriend?" she said and she stared at me.

"Eh, no we are best friends." I looked away, the way she looked at me made me a bit nervous.

"Oh, sorry." She smiled

"It's fine." I smiled

"You go to the same university with her?" she asked again.


We were in silence, she was still looking at me in a particular way. I felt awkward but not uncomfortable. I looked at anything but her. I went back to my food and ate slowly, and she was sitting there taking a sip of her drink and looking at me.

"Nice song, You want to dance?" She asked me.

"Eh, no, I can't dance," I said.

"Come on don't be shy, dance with us. Look at her." She pointed to the dance floor where Dinah was waving, asking Camila to join her.

"No, You go. Thanks."

"Mila...Let's dance." A boy came over pulling her away.

"...wait Austin," she stopped him, "Okay, nice to meet you, Lauren, see you soon." She winked at me and left me sitting confused.

"me, too. Bye..."

I didn't talk to Camila again that night, I saw her before I left but she was with some of her friends and I didn't want to go there. That was the second time I met her. She was a pretty girl and she looked like a nice person, I felt like we could make a good friend if we talked longer, but we didn't. I didn't tell Lucy I talked to her, I didn't see any point to tell her. She knew Lucy, might be we could meet again one day.

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