Part 18: Keep It Secret

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Narrator's POV 

Camila didn't contact Lauren a few days after her birthday. She appreciated Lauren for giving her an exception, kissing her on her birthday so she wanted to respect Lauren's rules, no kissing. Camila had lunch with Lauren on Wednesday at her campus as usual. They would have lunch every Wednesday and text each other every day. Camila sometimes would call Lauren before she went to bed. She wanted to keep it that way until she and Matthew broke up.

Lauren on the other side was a bit confused as Camila didn't contact her at all after that night. She didn't want to text Camila as she didn't want to get into her relationship with Matthew, although she had kissed her that night. Lauren had this little thought on her mind when Camila didn't contact her for a few days. She thought Camila was doing better with Matthew. She tried not to think about it, but she could not.

They met on Wednesday and Lauren felt relieved. They didn't mention the kiss, but when they met, their eyes looked happy. Lauren was always looking at Camila admiring her beauty. There were many beautiful girls on her campus or around her, but she only saw Camila. Camila herself was just like Lauren. Lauren was gorgeous in her eyes even though Lauren didn't see herself that way. The thing that made Camila fall for Lauren was her personality and character. Lauren was polite and kind, but she always spoke her mind in a proper way.


It was the fourth weekend. It meant three more weekends to go that Camila would be free from Matthew, from her business relationship. Camila could not wait for this to end. Lauren herself did not put so much thought as she was the patient. She was indeed not ready for a real relationship. She was also busy with her gigs and study. Camila still texted her every day and called her some nights and Lauren could live with that.

It was Saturday, and Lauren was leaving her apartment for the gig. She had a gig at a hotel restaurant. Camila asked her this morning where she would have the gig this evening. She didn't tell Lauren the reason. However, Lauren could guess. It was for Camila's reference to avoid going there with Matthew.

Lauren was singing on the stage. She missed Camila and she sang her favorite song, talking to the moon. Halfway through the song, Camila arrived. She smiled when she saw Lauren who was closing her eyes singing her favorite song. Camila was alone and she chose a seat at the corner which was not far from Lauren.

When Lauren finished the song, she opened her eyes. She didn't see Camila right away. It took more than five minutes for her to realize Camila was sitting there watching her. Lauren was surprised, and she frowned as Camila was sitting there alone. The waitress came to Camila and took her order. Lauren looked around trying to see if Matthew or the girls were there. She didn't see them. She smiled at Camila. She was in the middle of her job so she didn't go to Camila and talk to her. She would wait until the break.

Camila enjoyed her dinner. They looked at each other occasionally until Lauren finished her gig. It was nine and Camila was still there. They didn't meet during Lauren's break as Camila was nowhere to be seen. She came back after Lauren finish the break. Lauren packed her stuff and went to Camila who was waiting for her.

"Camz... you are here?" Lauren was asking why she was here not somewhere else with her boyfriend.

"Yea..." They greeted each other with a cheek kiss. "Can we go somewhere else? "

"Eh, okay, but you didn't have a date with him?"

"Nope..." Camila smiled and they went to Camila's car. Lauren was not sure what Camila's plan was. Why she didn't go on date with Matthew as usual on Saturday evening?

They got into Camila's car, "do you have any idea where to go?" Camila asked.

Lauren was confused. She of course had no idea, as Camila showed up out of the blue, "No... you..." Lauren looked at Camila confused.

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