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Lucy's POV

That was a love story of Camila and Lauren. A love story that I witnessed and admired. One was my best friend and the other one was my past summer crush. Lauren lived in London and Camila lived in L.A. It was different places but their hearts belonged to each other. It all began at the veterinary center when the two pairs of eyes met, two hearts beat, beat for each other. Two souls reunited before the owners realized it. It would always be one of my favorite love stories.


During their break, Lauren and Camila still kept in touch but not as often as before. They always updated each other about their lives. They never hid anything from each other. Both of them tried to go on dates with others, but they would tell each other about it. Even though they went on dates, they never had sex with others. Camila said she was not into them, and she would joke that the dates did not interest her physically. While Lauren said, she could not have sex with someone she did not love. 

After a year break,  they came to an agreement to end their relationship. Camila told Lauren that she was introduced by her mother to a man. Lauren asked her about the man called Chris Evans. Camila told her, he ticked all her mother's boxes for a good son-in-law. Camila told Lauren, that he was actually a decent gentleman. Lauren met him once when she was in L.A. After She met Chris, Lauren let Camila go. She could see how much he loved Camila and could take good care of her.  Lauren realized Camila would have a good married life with him.  He truly loved Camila even though Camila might never really love him. Lauren was certain Camila would not love him as much as Camila loved her as Camila once told Lauren, never gave all your heart to your partner.

Lauren was such a free soul, too free to attach to marriage.  Married life was not for her, at least until now. Camila let Lauren go as she understood Lauren would never be ready. She had a lot of dreams and things she wanted to do. Marriage would just slow her down or even stop her from doing the things she loved properly. It was not because marriage was not good, but Lauren was too good. She would give up everything to be a fully responsible wife and mother when she got married and have a kid. Camila did not want to stop Lauren from living her dream. Camila realized that Lauren would be happiest when she was free even though Lauren might never stop loving her.  Camila was certain Lauren still loved her as much as before as her eyes were still shining whenever she saw and looked at Camila, just like when she talked about her music.

Another year passed, and a year after their last lovemaking, Camila and Lauren still kept in touch. It was not as often as when they were together or during their break because Camila was married to Chris in the spring. They still kept in touch and checked on each other. Although it was not as frequent as in the past, their love for each other was still there and never less. They still loved each other today. It could be witnessed whenever they met and how they looked at each other. It never changed. It was the same. Camila would always make time for Lauren whenever she was in L.A., and Lauren was always available when Camila needed someone to talk to. Sometimes Camila would slip and hold Lauren's hand like they were girlfriends. From those small subtle gestures, they both know they still had each other's love and loved each other.

Lauren and Camila were together for seven years, and one year break of two years was planned before they ended their relationship. They kept their relationship secret for so long. Only Dinah, Lauren's brother, her manager, and I myself knew about it. I did not even tell Vero who was now my fiancé about them until today. Her parents probably did not know, as she never talked to her father anymore, and she barely talked to her mother just once in a blue moon. Even Chris the one Camila married to and would have a baby girl with soon, did not have any idea that they were girlfriends. He only knew that they were best friends for life. They hid their relationship from others, but they never hid each other's love from each other.

Camila was Lauren's first real girl crush after she unconsciously had some crushes when she was a kid or teenager at school. Camila was Lauren's first real girl crush, her first love, her first kiss, her first lovemaking, and her first girlfriend. Camila was not Lauren's wife but it was still possible to be Lauren's first wife. Lauren was not married yet, she even did not have anyone special until this second. Her love was Music only and Camila. Lauren still loved Camila. She still missed Camila in her bed, in her mind, and in her heart. Camila was married, but she did not fall in love with him. Her heart was reserved for Lauren. Camila still loved Lauren. She still missed Lauren from the bottom of her heart.

That was the story of Camila and Lauren. A story of two people who were from different worlds and backgrounds, who had different characters, who had different dreams, but fell in love with each other. They were falling in love like they never did before, probably they never would. Until now, none of them ever met someone with whom they had a strong connection and chemistry as they had for each other. They understood each other and supported each other as no one could do as they were the same person.  This love was one of a kind. This love hit them and made them realize they would never be the same. They met in the middle, and they fell in love. They love themselves enough, and love each other enough, to let each other go. They separated as life happened, and they were taking different roads now.  These two different roads might and might not lead them back to the same road, or even the same destination. However, one thing was for sure, their relationship might end, but their love for each other never came to the end. The love that they secretly cherish and kept in their hearts forever. ♥ ♥

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