Part 31: Coming Out

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Narrator's POV 

Lauren had told her parents that she was coming home this Thanksgiving. Chris also would visit his parents. He and Lauren still kept in touch regularly. They were young adults now, who were busy with their own lives. Their parents could not wait to see them, especially Lauren. They did not hear from her as much as before when she was still in college. Lauren was a lot busier now, she had things to do and a dream to chase. Lauren stepped into the real world, chasing her dream in music. She was doing well, she was getting famous and living her life. Her family was so proud of her.

Lauren arrived and her parents could not be happier. Chris had arrived earlier. They were so happy to see her home. Lauren was not that girl who was a little bit chubby and quiet anymore. She was now a gorgeous young lady. Her fashion style changed as well, and Camila took part in it. She was still shy and quiet, but she was not that as close as before. She could make conversation easier than before. Her coming home brought a full of joy into the house. Their parents could stop praising Lauren. They were also proud of Chris who became a young excellent lawyer.

Lauren was in her room, she wanted to take a nap before dinner, but she could not fall asleep. She called Camila and told her that she would tell her parents and Chris tonight. Camila tried to encourage her and told Lauren she would be there if she needed her. She was quite anxious. She did not know how they would react. It was a thing they never discussed in the family They also never discuss sex even for educational purposes only. However, Lauren needed to do this, to let her parents and Chris know before she came out in public. She did not need to come out in public but she would have to answer those questions related to her love life one day. These days, her fans and interviewers were starting to ask her about it. If she ever fell in love or she had someone special the songs she wrote were about love stories.

It was dinner time. The dinner started and Lauren was still that girl who loved to eat. Her coming home brought a lot of joy into the house. Many stories and laughter to share. Lauren was waiting for the right moment to tell them. She was thinking to tell them when they enjoyed the dessert. She hoped it was not only her coming home that brought joy, but also that her coming out would not take away that joy.

It was dessert time.

"Dad, Mom, Chris..." Lauren asked for attention, "I have something to tell you."

"Yes, darling?" Her mother asked her and everyone's eyes were on her.

Lauren did not know how to start it, "I have a girlfriend..." Lauren said that she did not plan to start it this way. She was so nervous and hoped Camila was here as Camila was a better communicator.

Silence hit the room. Chris could guess what was coming. Her father thought he heard something wrong and her mother needed clarification. "You mean girlfriend, like a best friend like Lucy? Who is she?" Her mother did not fully realize it yet, but she was guessing. She knew Lauren had one best friend which they met twice, in the summertime when Lucy came to visit with Lauren and on her graduation day. Her parents met the girls on Lauren's graduation day including Camila, but they did not remember them that much.

"No... girlfriend like boyfriend girlfriend, I am not straight, I am into girls."

Chris's guess was right. Her father dropped the fork and her mother's jaw dropped. They did not say anything as they were still shocked. The way their eyes looked at Lauren changed. Lauren knew it straight away, it was not going to be good.

"NO..." her father said. It was not possible for him.

"Darling... do you know what you just said? You are just joking right?" Her mother still hoped it was a joke.

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