Part 3 : Our Third Encounter

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Lauren's POV

Two weeks passed. I didn't see Camila. Sometimes, she would cross my mind, just wondered how she was doing. I was finishing my work at the veterinary center when Lucy called me that she got me a gig at one cafe near our place. I got home and met Lucy was chilling in our living room with two of her friends whom I didn't know well. She had many friends to hang out with, but when coming to serious talk she would find me instead of others, we would talk for hours and smoke weed. If for partying, clubbing, and drinking, she would ask the others as I barely agreed to join her.

"Hi, Lauren. You got the address right, did not you?"

"Hi, Yes."

"It's only eight or nine minutes drive from here. You can take my car."

"It's fine, Lu. I will just walk."

"Okay, fine. I will pick you up, Text me when you are about to finish."

"Okay, thanks"

I went to my room to review what songs to play. Lucy always got a gig for me, she introduced me to some cafes and a few of them become regular customers. Lucy also offered me to use her car or she would pick me up if I was working late, from time to time. She cared for and supported me all the time from the first day we met until now. Lucy was the best friend I ever met.

I took my guitar and slowly walked to the cafe. It took less than half an hour. Arrived at the cafe, I asked for the manager, and he took me to the mini stage and introduced me to the local in-house band. We discussed our collaboration.

When I was finishing the third song, my eyes were looking at the opening door. There she was, the girl with the dog, Camila. She arrived with four of her friends, one of them was Dinah, the others were the guy who pulled her to the dance floor, and two girls that I saw at the party, but I didn't know them.

I stopped and had a brief break and drank my water. I had a small talk with the band before starting the fourth song, I chose to sing Bruno Mars's talking to the moon. I looked to the table where Camila was. Our eyes met and she smiled and waved at me. I smiled back at her. During the song, my eyes traveled back to her several times, and our eyes met each time I looked her way. She was sitting there looking at me.

I continued singing - Camila was no longer looking at me, She was enjoying her dinner and talking to her friends. After singing for an hour, I went outside for a break.

"I don't know you sing, too."

I looked at the way the voice came from, It was her, Camila.

"Hi, Yea..."

"I never saw you here, first time singing here?"

"Yea, just got it today. You come here often?" I looked at her and looked down at my feet.

"Yes, one of my favorite cafes."

"Nice place."

"Great food, too." She added

"I suppose." I guessed, I didn't think of trying them. It's quite a fancy restaurant.

"You haven't tried the food, have you?" I shook my head, she said "you should try. It's good."

I nodded, "I will. Maybe later, if they like me and invite me again."

"They will." She was encouraging me, "you are not only beautiful, but you can also sing well, too."

"Thanks." I was not used to compliments. I blushed and I replied to her shortly drinking my water

I looked at my watch, "I have to go back, have a nice evening, Camila. Bye"

"Ok, you, too, Lauren."

It was our third encounter. I didn't talk to her further as she left before I finished. Lucy was picking me up and we stopped at the fast food to have our late dinner.

"How is it, Lern? They pay well right?"

"Yes, Lu. Compare to the others much better. Thanks. I hope they will call me again"

"Yes, hope so."

My mind was back to Camila. I hoped I would see her again.

"Luc, I saw Camila there."

"Oh, Was she alone?"

"With her friends, Dinah, and 2 girls and a guy. I think saw them at the party."

"Must be Ally, Veronica, and Austin."

"You know them."

"Yes, Dinah and Ally, her best friends since forever, and their new friend. Austin was just the guy who is trying to win her heart. I think Camila just asked the girls to accompany her, so she won't be alone with Austin. He will follow Camila whenever he sees a chance, even at the campus."

"How do you know all those things?"

"I don't spend time in my room or gallery, Lern." She made fun of me

"Lu..." I rolled my eyes, and we laughed.

Lucy's POV

She only mentioned seeing Camila, not Dinah whom I knew she knew. I had a feeling Lauren had a little crush on Camila. Well, who wouldn't? Camila was beautiful, nice, and smart. Boys and Girls were head over heels for her. I also had a crush on her, a little crush when we were in the senior year after I met her at the summee party. I made a move once, she knew and gave me a sign that she was not into me. Since then, I knew I was not her type, I didn't continue further.

"Did Dinah talk to you?" I asked

"No, they just waved at me, only Camila came by to say hi during the break."

Interesting. As I knew, only Dinah knew Lauren. Only Camila talked to her, not Dinah. I knew Lauren would not talk to her in the first place. Too shy to talk to people.

"Did she? She remembers you the girl from the veterinary center?"

"No," she laughed, "she talked to me at the party."

"Did she? I didn't know that." She talked to Lauren at the party, how come I missed this?

"Yea, you were out for smoking. She recognized me from the veterinary center."

"She is pretty isn't it? nice and smart?" I asked Lauren

"Yea...." I could see Lauren was smiling herself when mentioning Camila's name.

"We went to the same school. I had a crush on her in senior. She didn't like me that way. But we are cool."

"Really? She said you are a cool girlfriend."

"She said that? Why did she tell you that?"

"At the party, she said, she saw me before, and I told her I was with you. I didn't want her to think I was an uninvited guest, and she thought I was your girlfriend. Maybe she likes you, Lucy."

I laughed not possible, she was obviously showing that she was not into me. She was checking Lauren, not me, "No way, Lern. I am not her type. I think she is checking on you instead of me. if you are single or not, don't you think?"

She laughed, "No, I am not into girls."

"Yea..., They went to USC. I sometimes hang out with them. Join us, you can have more friends. They can introduce you to more gigs than me since they are local.

"Yea, sure. Let's go home." We finished our meal and went back to our apartment

I didn't want to push Lauren. She could take her time and came out at her time. I saw her looking at girls sometimes, besides guys, but mostly girls. She herself was not aware of it yet, but It didn't matter. I would be here and support her whoever she would be into. She could make a cute couple with Camila.

My First Real Girl Crush ** (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now