Part 4 : Meeting the Girls

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Lauren's POV

A week after, Sunday morning, I just woke up when I heard Lucy knocking on my door. She opened it before I could get up.

"Lern, are you free for brunch today?" Lucy asked

"Yes. You have any idea in mind?"

"The USC girls invited me for brunch at Ally's, be ready at ten."

Who Lucy meant. "USC? Are they okay, I am coming with you. you know you don't have to spend every Sunday with me."

"Lernnn, It's just a brunch, go with me, please. Camila will be there, too, she will be happy to see you." she was pouting, trying to get me to come with her. I could not resist her sweet face. I would also be happy to see Camila.


I didn't hang out much with most of Lucy's friends. I somehow felt uncomfortable. It was not that they were not good, most of them were good. It was just myself who felt not comfortable. They were coming from a well-off family, and they usually hang out at fancy places, which could be too much for me to afford. Lucy knew my discomfort, so she didn't ask me to join that often.

Narrator's POV

Lauren and Lucy arrived at Ally's place. Ally had a beautiful house. They set the brunch at the pool area. Lucy was that cool girl, who always marked her presence.

"Hello..... everybody... Lucy Vives is here..."

"Hey, Lucy... I thought you are not coming." Ally hugged her.

"I am not going to miss your waffles, Ally. I bring my friend hope you don't mind? Ally this is Lauren."

"Absolutely fine. The more the merrier, Hi Lauren, you are the girl who sang at the cafe last week, right? Nice to meet you, you have a great voice." They shook hands.

"Yes, Nice to meet you, Ally. Thank you"

"Hey everybody, this is Lauren." Ally spoke loudly to others. They waved at Lauren.

Lauren followed Lucy to the poolside where Vero was standing there, cutting watermelon, Lucy was approaching her, "Hi, Vero." She greeted her.

The girl turned around, "Hi, Lucy. You are here." Lucy was blushing

"This is Lauren, Lauren this is Vero." Lauren greeted Vero, and Lauren was aware Lucy and Vero liked each other.

"Come, let me introduce you to the others." Ally pulled Lauren away leaving Vero and Lucy alone.

"Here the boys, Shawn, Austin, and Michael." Lauren said hi to them who were grilling the food, and Ally guided Lauren to another side, where Dinah and Normani were.

"Dee, this Lauren. You remembered the girl who sang at the cafe?" Ally said.

"Yes, sure Lauren was at my birthday party, too. Hi, Lauren!" Dinah remembered Lauren.

"Hi, Dinah. Yes. We met before." Lauren told Ally.

"Oh, great you girls know each other already. And this is Normani."

"Normani, nice to meet you." Normani shook Lauren's hand.

"Lauren, nice to meet you, too." Lauren smiled.

"We got one girl left, where is Mila, Dinah?" Ally asked Dinah

"She said she will be here in five, like three minutes ago." Dinah shrugged.

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