Part 26: Wrong Place, Wrong Timing

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Lauren's POV 

I woke up late as we talked until two in the morning. I was so grateful that I had Lucy. She was the only person I could talk to about such things. After trying things with Zayn and talking to Lucy, I tried to understand myself and everything was clearer now. It was certain that I was sexually attracted to the same sex, but I was not sure if I was not attracted to the opposite sex at all. It was true I was attracted more to same-sex instead of the opposite.

I agreed with Lucy. I would have my own timing to figure it out and completely understand myself. It took time. At this moment, what was important was what I felt right now, whom I loved, and spending my time with that person. That person was Camila. I had to talk to her. I missed her and I wanted to be with her. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend if she still felt the same. I would go to her place as I was sure she had blocked my number.

However, I needed to talk to Zayn before I found Camila. I needed to tell Zayn how I felt and what I decided. I liked Zayn but not in a romantic way. He was a great guy. I was glad that I met him at this time. I would understand if he wanted to end our friendship and work relationship. We were discussing a musical project together with Halsey. I was sure he would not end everything we had as he said so. Zayn was a man who was admired by many women, he would not have any problem finding someone who loved him.


I was late and I was sleepy but I was not going to skip my classes. It would be a tough Monday. Lucy and I were rushing around to get ready and left the apartment as soon as possible. We stopped by a small coffee shop to grab a quick bite and coffee. It would be more stressful if I had to rush to campus myself. Since it was with Lucy, we were laughing at ourselves. Lucy made everything become enjoyable. She knew how to make things fun. We shared the same classes on Monday. I told Lucy I would go to meet Zayn after our last class today, so she did not have to wait for me.

After the class, I met Zayn around four. We agreed to meet at a chicken-waffle place as we both loved chicken and I did not have a proper lunch today. Zayn wanted to pick me up but I told him we could just meet there as it saved our time. I arrived before Zayn. I texted him and he said he would be ten minutes late. He asked me not to wait for him if I was hungry and wanted to order first. I would do so as I was too hungry to wait.

I entered the restaurant and settled myself at the corner. It was not a busy time for a restaurant, I should be able to get my food soon. I was starving. A waitress came to me and took my order. I sat there checking my phone. I heard laughter. I looked up and looked to the way where the laughter came from. I saw Camila. She was laughing with her friends, Ariana and two guys. I did not know the other two who sat across from her and Ariana. She was with Ariana. I tried not to be jealous, but I could not. Our eyes met. She saw me. I tried to smile at her, but she did not smile back at me. Her previous smile faded when she saw me. She looked away. It hurt. I was like a stranger to her. I was still looking in her way hoping she would look in my way again, but she did not.

I did not know what to do. I could not text her, she blocked me. I could not just go there and greet her. She was Camila, she could make a scene if she did not like something. I was sure she did not like to see me at this moment as she did not even want to look at me at all. I wanted to leave and change the place, but I had ordered the food, and Zayn would be here soon. Ten minutes passed, and Zayn arrived. It was not good timing and a good place. Camila would not like it but she was with Ariana anyway.

Zayn greeted me with a cheek kiss as usual. I saw Camila look at our way coldly. Ariana noticed us this time and she called us, "Lauren... Zayn...Hi..." she waved at us cheerfully. We waved at them. "join us..." Ariana asked. I looked at Camila and she looked uncomfortable and unhappy.

My First Real Girl Crush ** (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now