Part 12 : Taking Time

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Camila's POV

I woke up at nine the next morning. It was the first day of the year and I was with puffy eyes. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I was hoping there would be a message from Lauren. There were many messages. I checked all of them, but none of them was from Lauren. I threw the phone to my side and closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep forever wishing I could have a message from her in my dream. 

I could not get myself back to sleep. I didn't know what to do. Should I call her or text her? I was worried she didn't want to talk to me anymore. She looked angry last night after our kiss. I didn't plan it and it happened just like that. I still remembered clearly she got closer to me. It meant she wanted to kiss me as well.

I texted Dinah asking if she could come to my place. I needed someone to talk to. Dinah was always available for me. She said she would come once she finished the brunch with her family. My parents asked me to come home, but I told them I was not feeling well and needed a rest. I was not sick, I just didn't want them to see my puffy eyes from crying.

Dinah came. I told her about what happened last night.

"D, what should I do now? Do you think she regrets it? Or she hates me now?"

"No, Mila. Maybe she is confused about herself. Just text her and ask her when you both can meet and talk about it." Dinah suggested, "if she needs time, let her take her time."

I took my phone and texted Lauren. I wanted to call her, but I was afraid she didn't want to talk to me.

To Lauren: Hi, Lolo.

She didn't read my text. I waited for the whole day she didn't read and reply to my text. Dinah was staying over, as she didn't want me to be alone. She bought me ice cream, pizza, and chocolate. I told her I was not having a broken heart. I was just sad. She said it was close to it. Indeed, I was sorrowful. I felt hurt and empty knowing Lauren didn't like the kiss and she was ignoring me now.

The next day, I woke up and I didn't see any reply from Lauren. The text was not read but I was sure she was aware of it. I texted Lucy to check on Lauren I just wanted to make sure she was safe as she was leaving the party alone at midnight and she was tipsy.

To L. Vives: Hi, Lucy.

From L. Vives: Hi, Camila

To L. Vives: Is Lauren there? I texted her she didn't answer. I just wanted to make sure she is safe and ok...

From L.Vives: Yes, she is here and safe.

To L.Vives: Can you ask her to reply to my text or can I call her

From L. Vives: Okay I will tell her

To L. Vives: Thanks, L

From L. Vives : *thumb up*


It had been a week. I didn't hear from Lauren. I texted Lauren three times after I asked Lucy. She read my texts but she didn't reply. I called her once and she hung up and sent me a text instead. It was short and cold I need time, Camila. She didn't even call me by my nickname. Every time she was in a bad mood or not happy with something she would use my full name instead of the nickname she gave me.

Another week passed. It had been two weeks. I went to the cafe looking for her. Louis told me Lauren needed a break. She would not sing at the cafe for a while. She didn't work at the veterinary center and the art gallery anymore. I went to her campus and I didn't see her. I gave up. I was thinking to come to her place, but I didn't. She was avoiding me. She would not be happy to see me.

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