Part 7 : The Jealousy was There

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Narrator's POV

Camila stopped questioning Lauren's feelings. She would just enjoy the affection Lauren gave her and stopped hoping for something more. Lauren literally said that she was not into girls and she cared about Camila like a sister. Deep down inside, Camila still wanted to know but she tried to ignore her urge. She decided to go on date with Shawn at the beginning of November and they were seeing each other since then.

It was December, and Lauren received more gigs. The interaction between Camila and Lauren gradually decreased since Thanksgiving when Lauren had her holiday in Miami. They still sometimes texted each other, but Camila didn't call Lauren every night anymore. They didn't see each other every day, but Camila still managed to get some food for Lauren, either by giving it herself or having it delivered. Lauren barely stayed over at Camila's place. They would spend time once a week on Wednesday or Friday, and barely on weekends. Lauren was getting busy with all her stuff and Camila was seeing Shawn and using this opportunity to avoid Lauren. Camila was trying to bury her feeling for Lauren

Lauren still did a gig at the cafe where Louis was the manager, but they changed the contract to two days excluding the Saturday as Lauren wanted to explore others. However, Lauren would help Louis if he could not get a singer. Lauren would have a wedding gig at a five stars hotel in Beverly Hills this Saturday. She would collaborate with Halsey who saw Lauren at the cafe and was in love with Lauren's vocals and she asked for Lauren's contact so she could invite her sometimes for collaboration. Halsey needed Lauren to back her up during the wedding as she would also be the guest. So she asked Lauren to join her band. Here it was, their first collaboration at Liam's wedding, a friend of Halsey.

Camila's POV

It was Saturday, I had a wedding to attend. It was Liam's wedding. Liam was my stepbrother's, Nial, best friend. Liam was also the only son of my parent's best friends. Our families were best friends. It made the wedding become so important to our family and I had to attend. I didn't mind at all. The hustle and bustle, and the excitement were just a little bit too much in my opinion.

The good thing was, that Dinah and Ally would be there, too. Our families were kind of connected. Shawn would also be there. At least, I would not get bored. I was getting ready when Dinah called me.

Dinah: Mila, what time you will be there?

Camila: I think on time. You know my parents. No less, no more.

Dinah: Okay, great. Hope there will be some cute guys. Text me when you arrive.

Camila : (I laughed) Dinah Jane

Dinah : Ok, see you, Mila. Bye

Camila: Bye!

I went to the wedding ceremony with my mother, Sinu, and my stepfather, Bobby. We would meet Nial and Greg, my stepbrothers at the wedding as they didn't live with our parents. We arrived at the wedding venue on time as scheduled. The guests were still arriving.

I was sitting at our table skimming the crowd looking for the face of those I knew well, Dinah and Ally. Shawn would be here as well, but I didn't expect to spend time with him as my parents didn't know I was seeing him. I was not ready for my mother to interrogate me with all her questions. From my experiences, she would always have something to say about who I was seeing.

I looked at the stage where the band was. there was only instrumental music no singing yet. I heard Halsey would be singing. It would be good to see her performing. She was a rising star in the music industry. I met her once on Niall's birthday, she was a good friend to the gang, Nial, Liam, Zyan, and Harry, and of course Louis, Harry's boyfriend. Dinah and Ally came to say hi, and they returned to their own table with their family.

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