Part 32: About Getting Married

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Narrator's POV 

Another year passed. Life was getting busier for Camila and Lauren. Camila was busy working and learning at her mother's company. She had many things to learn and her mother did not go easy on her. She trained her hard. She was busy during the weekdays and quite relax during the weekend. How busy she was, her schedule was still predictable and not as crazy as Lauren's. Lauren's type of work did not follow the common pattern on weekdays or weekends. She was busier during the weekend. Her schedule was hectic and there was not any fixed timing like Camila's one.

The different schedules and time zones made it harder for them to keep in touch. They still texted each and call each other but it was not as much as before. Lauren did not visit Camila once a month anymore. It could be once in two or even three months. She did not come on weekends but on weekdays when Camila was busiest. Lauren also missed the valentine but she promised Camila she would come to L.A. on her birthday and spent the whole week with her.

Lauren was a rising star now. She was getting more and more famous and busier. How busy she was, she always tried to keep in touch with Camila. She would not miss a day without contacting Camila. While Camila was slowly giving up unconsciously, it was always Lauren who contacted her first. The effort from Camila's side was decreasing but still, she contacted Lauren. At the same time, her mother asked her again if she was already seeing someone. Her mother did not see Camila dating someone since Matthew.  Camila tried to avoid that conversation saying that she had to focus on her career first, not her love life. She did not want to tell her mother about Lauren yet. She needed to talk to Lauren first.

Being a rising star, Lauren quite often appeared on the news. She was also linked to a few celebrities. There were also female celebrities who openly had a crush on her. Camila was happy to see Lauren's success, but she was also jealous when she saw many guys and girls hitting on Lauren for real on social media or on the news. Few celebrities were linked to Lauren. Camila was afraid one day Lauren would be attracted to one of them and left her. For the first time, she felt insecure about their relationship.

Lauren herself was a very loyal girlfriend. She had fame now and many people fell for her now, but she never paid attention to them. She only focused on her music and Camila. She loved Camila so much that she did not even look at those beautiful guys and girls around her in daily life. She might not know they existed. All she thought about was Camila and her music.


It was Tuesday afternoon, Lauren arrived in L.A. it was a day before Camila's birthday. Camila did not pick her up at the airport anymore since Lauren was getting famous. It was because they still kept their relationship secret and there were always fans or paparazzi or news reporters who waited for Lauren at the airport. Lauren went straight to Camila's apartment, she had access so she did not have to wait for Camila. Lauren did not tell Camila when she was coming. She wanted to surprise her. When she reached the penthouse she took a shower and fell asleep in their bedroom. They shared the bed but Lauren's things were in the other room.

Lauren woke up at seven but she did not see any sign that Camila was home. She pouted and wondered where she was. She took her phone and texted Camila.

To Camila: Hi, Camz. What are you doing?

Another hour passed, and Camila did not reply to her. Lauren was hungry and she went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. She would call Camila if she did not receive any reply after she finished her dinner. She finished her dinner and she went back to the room. She dialed her number but she did not answer. She called twice and she stopped. Lauren decided to read a book while waiting for her. She fell asleep


Lauren woke up the next day and she did not see Camila. She frowned and she took her phone. No messages from Camila. She sighed and was a little bit worried if Camila was fine. She tried to call but her phone was off. Lauren sighed and she called Dinah. Dinah did not answer as well. She could only wait. Camila did not come home last night, and today was her birthday. She might have had a celebration last night, or she visited her parents. Did she go to work? Laurens stopped guessing and did her music stuff.

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