Part 8 : Friends or Girlfriends

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Lauren's POV

Another week passed by. I didn't hear from Camila. I didn't contact her as well. I was quite busy with the gigs I had. I was tired but I was grateful for that. I didn't work at the art gallery and the veterinary center anymore. Dr.Styles who was a friend of Louis and Niall wished that I could stay but I didn't. I wanted to focus on my study and my music. I missed Camila but I didn't want to contact her. 

I would fly back to Miami tomorrow morning to celebrate Christmas with my family. I was in the kitchen making myself breakfast on Saturday morning as Lucy was sitting there having her breakfast.

"Lern, how is it going, you and Camila? Still no contact?" Lucy asked. I always told Lucy about Camila, every time things were going bad between Camila and me.

I shrugged, "yea... I miss her."

"Thinking of texting her first?" Lucy asked

"No, she is the one who started."

"Just text a short text hi, and see how it goes, but don't say too much, otherwise you will spoil her. You are flying back tomorrow for Christmas. Christmas time should be full of joy."

"Argh.... okay, I will text her." I took my phone

To Camila: Hi, Camila

From Camila: Hi, Lo. Where are you?

"She replies..." I told Lucy

"See, she must miss you, too. She is just too stubborn." Lucy smiled and shook her head.

To Camila : I am at home

From Camila: Can I come over?

To Camila: Yes, but Lucy is here (Camila never wanted to come if Lucy was at home and I didn't tell Lucy about that, she would not be happy. I didn't know what was Camila's exact reason. I asked her once, she said she just wanted to spend time with me. It was fine if we were going in a group, but not in the apartment or only three of us. )

From Camila: Oh, can we meet?

To Camila: Yea. sure

From Camila: Lunch at our Pizza, at one? I can pick you up

To Camila: No, it's okay. Meet you there

From Camila: Okay, see you, Lo

To Camila: see you


Lunchtime was approaching. I left the apartment to meet Camila. When I reached the lobby, Camila was standing there waiting for me. She run to me and hugged me.

"Camila, I thought we will meet at the restaurant," I said still hugging her

"Yea...I just want to pick you up." She said still hugging me. She sounded ill.

"Are you okay? You sound...." I looked into her eyes. Her eyes were red. She just cried. "Camz?"

"I broke up with Shawn," Camila said.

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's fine..."

We went to the pizza place and Camila told me the story. They broke up simply because of her mother. She didn't approve of their relationship. Camila told me that her mother liked Shawn as a person but not as her daughter's boyfriend or future husband. According to her mother, Shawn was still a boy and was not so promising for the future. Her mother didn't mention it, but Camila knew it was because of Shawn's family reputation. They were not as well off and as well known as the Horans.

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