Part 23 : It Hurt

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Lauren's POV 

I saw Camila's car that night when Zayn was dropping me off. It had been almost two weeks now. She did not call or text me and neither did I. She must be angry seeing me with Zayn. I was not dating him. I missed her, I did, but I did not want to text or call her first. I still could not accept that she prioritized Ariana over me. We did not have our Wednesday lunch since Ariana joined for the second time. She must enjoy her days with Ariana now I heard that day when we were in Palm Springs how Ariana liked Camila and admired her. They admired each other, they were coming from similar backgrounds. They were a perfect couple. I was out of the scene. Camila was out of my league.

What I was worried about came true. Camila and I had too many differences. At some point, we would not get along well. All of this just added up to my own issue that I was still hiding my sexuality and sometimes I was still confused. Probably, Camila was tired of waiting for me. She might think I would never be ready for a relationship. I did not even know when I would be ready. It meant I would not be able to make her happy since I was not out yet.

At the same time, Zayn had expressed his interest to get to know me. He asked me out, to go on date with him. I did not accept nor rejected it yet. He said he would ask again later. Honestly said, I was considering to go on date with him. First, I liked his personality. He was a great guy, humble, and very understanding. Secondly, we got along well, especially when we talked about music. Lastly, it might sound like I was using him, but I wanted to know if I was still attracted to the opposite sex. I was confused. I needed to find out and I guessed this was one of the ways to find out.

I would be honest with Zayn. I would talk to him. I also did not want him to think I was only using him to find myself and my singing career as he was a famous music producer. I wanted to be clear from the beginning. I would agree to go on date with him if I did not hear from Camila by the end of the month. He was a great guy. 

Camila's POV

It had been almost three weeks. Lauren and I did not contact each other, not even a single short text. I missed her. I did, so much. Since that night, every morning when I woke up and checked my phone, I was hoping for a simple text from her, a simple Hi would make my day. However, there was nothing until now. Three weeks passed. She must have moved on from me and enjoyed her days with Zayn. I might have been out of her mind since she never texted me or called me again. She did not miss me at all. 

I did not want to contact her. I knew I should have told her that Ariana would join or not even let Ariana join our lunch. There was nothing between Ariana and me anyway. I knew Lauren was mad at me but she herself was hanging out with Zayn. Ariana liked me. She told me a week ago but I told her I did not feel the same. We were friends for sure. Ariana was still trying to convince me to try but I could not because I did not like her that way. I only wanted Lauren whom I did not know if she still wanted to be with me.

I passed this weekend with my parents. When I arrived this afternoon, my mother asked me why I did not bring Lauren with me. She liked Lauren and she only met her once.   Greg and Niall were also here. We had our family time. we were in the living room after dinner, and Niall was laughing looking at his phone. I frowned looking at him.

"Mila... Lauren is not seeing anyone, is she?" Niall asked me.

She might be seeing Zayn now. "No, but I am not sure."

Niall was smiling and typing away on his phone.

I was curious, "why?" I frowned.

"Zayn..." he shook her head laughing. I knew I was going to dislike what I would hear next, "he has a huge crush on your best friend."

My First Real Girl Crush ** (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now