Part 21: The New Girl

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Narrator's POV 

Since that night, Camila and Lauren grew even closer. Camila would always ask Lauren to stay over on Saturday. They would make love and explore each other's bodies. Camila found out that Lauren liked it the most when Camila took good care of her boobs. She loved it when Camila paid them attention. Lauren knew Camila's weakness was her inner thighs. Lauren loved Camila's perfect butt, it always caught Lauren's attention.

Months passed and they still kept things secret, unofficial, and not even exclusive. Camila was not the one who would ask someone to be her girlfriend or boyfriend. It was in her nature that she was the one who was asked. Even though she wanted them to be officially girlfriends, she would not ask Lauren or she would not push Lauren into it. She still thought Lauren was not ready for a relationship, being a girlfriend.

Lauren herself was never in a relationship. She did not have experience. On the one hand, she was thinking if she should ask Camila to be her girlfriend. On the other hand, she was afraid she could not give Camila what she deserved, a real girlfriend who could show her love, protect her, and kiss her whenever and wherever they wanted. Lauren was starting to be freer in public. She was not tense anymore when Camila showed her a little affection like looking at her lovingly, touching her face but not kissing yet. Lauren was still worried about what people would say, especially her parents, Chris, and other families. She feared judgment and rejection.

It was September and Camila and the girls had a new friend. She was pretty and shared pretty much classes with Camila. Camila was excited to have a new friend. Ariana was sweet, cheerful, pretty, smart, and good at socializing. Camila found Ariana charming. She could get along well with the girls, especially Camila, and everybody loved Ariana. Ariana was glad she met them as she just moved to L.A. Camila told Lauren about this new girl. Lauren was, as usual, she was happy seeing Camila happy, having a new friend.

On one Wednesday when Lauren and Camila had their little lunch before Lauren got back home and Camila attended her afternoon class, Camila came with Ariana. Camila did not tell Lauren in advance that she would come with Ariana. She did not plan it. Ariana showed up and asked Camila what was her plan before their afternoon class. Camila told her and she wanted to join. Camila finally decided to let her join their lunch. She thought it was a good time to introduce Lauren to Ariana as Lauren seldom joined when the girls hung out.

Lauren did not like it when Camila did not tell her that there would be Ariana whom she only knew by name, would join the lunch. Lauren was not that happy as it was basically their personal lunch. However, Lauren finally brushed it off thinking Camila just wanted to introduce her new friend and it was just a one-time thing. Ariana herself definitely had no idea about Camila and Lauren as Camila introduced Lauren as her beloved friend. Ariana was just happy to know more friends. She loved making friends.

"Hi, Lauren..." They hugged and Camila introduced Ariana, "This is Ariana, our new friend, and Ari, this is Lauren, my beloved best friend..."

"Hi, nice to meet you, Ariana." Lauren shook Ariana's hand. Lauren was shy when she met strangers or new people. She was not the best when came to socializing.

"Hi, Lauren. Finally, meet you. Camila's cool friend."

Lauren just smiled. She blushed and had no idea what Camila told Ariana that made her call her the cool friend. They sat down. Camila and Lauren did not sit next to each other as usual since Ariana was here. Each of them sat at one side of that square table. Ariana was smart and quite talk active. Lauren could see why Camila said her new friend was so charming. Camila saw Lauren was quiet, even too quiet for herself. She guessed Lauren was not that happy but she did not show it as she was that polite and behaved well girl.

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