Part 6 : Finding the Answer

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Camila's POV

I was having breakfast with Dinah in her kitchen on Friday morning. I often had breakfast at her place. Their parents treated me like their own daughters. Dinah and I were like sisters. Dinah was the only one who knew I had a crush on Lauren.

"Mila, how is your Lauren doing?"

"It's fine." My eyes were on my phone

"You sound not interested in her anymore? Is it over?"

I put down my phone and ate my french toast, "No, I have no clue, Cheechee."

"What happened?" Dinah was sipping her juice.

"She confused me."

"Mixed-signal?" Dinah asked.

"No. No, Dee...I never met someone like her who makes me feel so loved and protective. Nobody treated me like she does. It is so easy to connect with her and open up to her. She can understand me and she is always there for me, but I don't know if she is into girls or not. I cannot just ask her right?"

"You can ask her tho," Dinah said


"Why not? I didn't see any reason you can't ask her."

"What if she is offended? What if she asks me why I am asking such a question."

"If she cares about you that much, she will be fine with your question, despite whether she is into girls or not. If she asks you why, just tell her you are into girls, and into her. Easy..."

"No, if I tell her and she doesn't have the same feeling, things will become awkward and it will affect our relationship, and I don't want to lose her." I didn't want to lose Lauren. I never met someone like her.

"What if she has the same feeling?"

"No, Dinah. She said I am like a sister to her."

"She said that?" Dinah asked


"Oh..." she sounded like it was not a good sign.


"Does she know you are bi?"

"No, I don't think so." I didn't know. we never discuss it.

"But she is friends with Lucy. Do you think Lucy told her something about you?"

I gasped, "What if Lucy told her, and she knows and that's why she told me I am like a sister to her, so I won't like her."

"Mila...if from what you tell me, how she treats you and cares about you. She must be into you as well, she just doesn't realize it yet. You also mentioned once that her family is quite religious. She possibly never thinks about it."

"You think so?" why did it have to be complicated?

"Yup. Besides her loving and caring behaviors, does she shows any sign that she is into you, like staring into your eyes for a longer time than it should be."

"No. She doesn't. I did." I blushed.

Dinah smiled, "and how did she react?"

"She didn't know. She was not looking at me when I looked at her that long. If she finds me looking at her, she would just smile and look away and talk about something else. I don't even have a chance to let her know I am looking at her like I am into her." I sighed.

My First Real Girl Crush ** (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now