Part 16 : Made Her Happy

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Lauren's POV 

Two weeks passed. I only met Camila once a week which was on Wednesday when she stopped by my campus for lunch. We still texted each other and she would call me when she wanted me to sing her to sleep. I didn't mind at all, but I was not going to do more than a friend would do. Camila was still seeing Matthew, so I was not going to cross the line, the friend line. Therefore, I didn't want to stay over when she asked me to. It was better that way.

Camila thought I was fine and that she was still seeing Matthew for another six weeks. Honestly, my heart hurt. I saw her with Matthew on Saturday at one of the cafes I had a gig that day. I was sitting there singing, helpless, seeing someone I loved was dating someone who was not me. Although I knew that Camila was doing it to avoid her mother, still It hurt to see them dating in person.

Camila would have her birthday this Saturday. I was thinking about what to give her. Camila was well off, she did not need anything as she could buy everything she needed. I asked Lucy if she got any idea. Lucy said, wrote her a song, or sang her a song, and be the first person to greet her. She also suggested I buy something she liked. In the end, Lucy said, as long as you put your best effort into it, Camila would love it. Camila was a nice girl, she would appreciate everything, still, I wanted to give my best.


I decided to go to the shopping mall to find an idea. I went around the shopping mall for about two hours just to find her a gift. I didn't even go shopping this long for myself and put so much thought into what I should get for her. I bought a pair of shoes from her favorite brand. I didn't know which one to go to, so I just chose the newest edition. I hope she had not bought it herself. It was quite expensive but it was for her so I didn't give it a second thought. I just wanted to make her happy.

I went home once I got the shoes. I didn't know when I was going to give it to her. It was Saturday, probably she would spend it with Matthew and their family. I put the shoes in the corner of my room and got a shower before bed. After a shower, I turned on the music and grabbed the book I was reading. Fifteen minutes into reading, my phone rang, it was Camila.

Me: Hi, Camz. Can't sleep?

Camila : (she chuckled) No, just want to call you.

Me : (I smiled) how was your Thursday?

Camila: It's ok as usual, nothing special. Do you have any plans for Saturday?

Me: I will go to Halsey for the vocal course and got one gig in the evening. Why?

Camila: Oh, isn't it every Thursday, the vocal course?

Me: Yes, the teacher can't make it today.

Camila: Oh (she said nothing)

Me: Camz?

Camila: Where's the gig?

Me: at your brother's cafe, Louis called me.

Camila: Oh (it didn't sound like her, she was too quiet)

Me: What about Saturday? Is everything okay, Camz?

Camila: Yea... my family will have dinner together also with the girls, I wonder if you can join us?

Me : (it must be her birthday party, but I had a gig. I had promised Louis) I have a gig at seven, I am afraid I can't join, Camz.

Camila: Oh, can you come before or after the gig?

Me: Not before, I will be at Halsey. I can after but isn't it too late?

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