Part 10 : My Heart Skipped a Beat

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Narrator's POV 

Just like that, Lauren and Camila returned to usual, as close as before. It was like nothing happened, no arguments, no cold shoulders, no ignoring texts, no stop talking, no snapping, no jealousy. They still never really discussed it. Camila still had no clue why Lauren snapped at her during the wedding ceremony. Lauren didn't know the exact reason why Camila was behaving like that. Being mad at her in the car when they were talking about Halsey, or being mad at her because she rejected her and chose to go with Lucy to the event. Lauren thought Camila was being childish or petty, minding small things.

Camila was certain now that Lauren knew that Camila liked girls. Lauren was showing no signs of uncomfortable, disapproval of Camila's sexuality, or not even jealousy. Camila was convinced more that she was not Lauren's type even though Lauren was into girls. Therefore, she was thinking that it was impossible for Lauren to like her more than a friend or more than a sister. Camila was aware of her own feeling. She was in love with Lauren and she was jealous of Lucy, even a little bit of Normani or Halsey. Camila was apparently a possessive and jealous type. She never felt like this before, being that easy to get jealous and mad when someone had more attention than Lauren.

Lauren was starting to put more thought into her relationship with Camila after Lucy told her that Camila was probably into her and she got mad and stop talking to Lauren because she was jealous. Whether Lauren herself knew it or not, it was the reason why Lauren was so awkward when she stayed over again at Camila's. She was tense when Camila laid her head on her shoulder. She was nervous when Camila was asking her if she was into girls, and would if she liked Lucy. Lauren was confused about her own feeling.

Lauren's POV

I woke up and found myself still spooning Camila. She was so soft and delicate. I moved to check the time on my phone. She was woken up and turned to me, "morning, Lolo." With her eyes still closed.

I chuckled and she chuckled, "morning, Camz. It's almost nine."

My stomach growled, I was hungry. Camila laughed at me, "someone is hungry." She got up "I will make you breakfast." I took a quick shower and Camila went to the kitchen. After I finished my shower, I went to find Camila. She was still making breakfast in the kitchen.

I sat there looking at her. This was the first time I was studying her face as she was not looking at me. She looked so beautiful. I didn't know if it was because of the morning sun that danced on her face or if she was always beautiful like this, and I just never noticed. She was smiling and lightly biting her lower lip when she was decorating the pancake. I literally could feel my heart skip a beat. I felt this fluffy feeling in my chest that I never felt before. I was enjoying her beautiful face and I smiled looking at her.

She looked at me and smiled, and I stopped my gaze, "it looks good." she said referring to the pancake she made. She passed me the pancake and a glass of orange juice.

"Yea... are talented." I smiled at her

"Lo, stay longer. We can watch a movie, and I will make us lunch. Then, I will drop you off on the way to my parents." Camila said.

"I wanted to, Camz, but I can't. I have a lunch appointment." I looked at her with a look that was telling her that she would not like it if I told her where I would go.

This was how we could easily be connected. Even though I didn't say a word, she got what I meant, "with Lucy?" She looked away from me. She was back to cutting her pancake.

"...Yea... her parents are here. They invite me to join them for dinner, but I can't, I have a gig. They changed to today's lunch. They will come to the cafe for dinner as well, but I will have no time to sit down with them and talk." I explained to her.

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