Part 14: Really Really Like You

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Lauren's POV

I finished the gig and Halsey drove me home. During the car ride, I asked her how she knew about Camila and me. She told me she knew it since the wedding gig. She said she knew something was going on between us but she didn't know what to be exact. She said she could see Camila was into me. Halsey told me she knew Camila since they were kids. Camila was nice, smart, and beautiful. She never saw her like this with this. It was unusual for her to be this jealous and got angry. She concluded Camila was jealous, she never really liked someone that made her like this. 

Halsey was just like Lucy. It was easy for me to talk to her and open to her. She had more experience. She asked me to talk to Camila, heart to heart conversation. Whatever it was in the end, at least things were clear, with no misunderstanding. I told her I knew I should talk to her, but I had to make sure I knew how I felt and what I wanted.

I got home and I didn't see Lucy. She must be celebrating the love day with her loved one, Vero. It would be nice if I could update her about Camila as she always knew what to do.


The next morning, I met Lucy in the kitchen we were having our breakfast. I told her about my gig with Halsey and also about Camila. Lucy told me she knew about the Matthew guy. Vero mentioned Camila's new guy. Same as Halsey, Lucy suggested I talk to Camila, the sooner the better. She suggested I just talk to Camila, even though I was still confused about myself and still learning about myself.

"Lern, better talk to her soon. It's been more than a month now. I think nobody likes being ignored by someone they love."

"Yea, I don't know where to start."

"Text her or call her. If I were you I would come to her."

"Okay...I am not sure if she wants to talk to me after last night she didn't even look at me."

"Lern, she was just jealous. Jeez, I never saw her like this. Go find her, and talk to her. Just tell her how you feel and think. I am sure Camila will understand. She is a good girl, Lern. I think she never likes someone like this. You are so lucky...." Lucy chuckled.

"If she still likes me, she is with someone else now."

"Huh, that Matthew guy. The girls don't like him."

"Why, he looks nice."

"Not sure... but Dinah dislikes him the most."

"Oh... I will text Camila." I took my phone and sent a text to her

To Camila: Hi, Camz.


I went to the library and spent the whole day there. I didn't receive any reply from Camila. It seemed it was not delivered. I called her but only one ring and it went to the voicebox. I tried several times later and it was the same. One ring and I was directed to the voicebox. She probably blocked my number. I called Lucy and she told me to go to her place. I would go to her place but not today. I needed to sleep after spending the whole day in the library. I would find her tomorrow.

From Lucy: Bring something she likes. She will like it. No guarantee she will be kind to you, but at least she will open the door for you or listen to you.

The morning came. I left earlier to go to Camila's place. I called her but the result was the same. I asked the receptionist, she said no answer. I waited for her half-day, no sign she was leaving or returning to the apartment. I went to her social media thinking to text her there but she removed me. I was pissed off.

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