Part 29: Love and Life

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Narrator's POV 

Lauren and Camila were finally, officially together. They were back with their Wednesday little lunch. Camila would pick up Lauren or drop her off whenever she could. She would buy food for Lauren and pampered Lauren with her care and affection. They spent weekends together and Lauren always stayed over at Camila's on Saturdays. They grew closer, with more affection, more love, and more lovemaking for sure.

Among the girls, only Dinah and Lucy knew about it. They were happy for their best friends. Normani noticed how much Lauren cared about Camila. Normani said they were soulmates but Normani was not curious at all as she never really talked about love relationships when she was talking to Lauren or others. Ariana noticed their closeness. She once asked Lauren why she cared about Camila so much. Lauren did not expect Ariana would ask that, but Lauren simply replied to Ariana that she cared about Camila so much because Camila cared about her so much. Vero could see the affection between these two, but she was Vero, that girl who paid attention but did not comment on anything. She did not say things about others in general. Meanwhile, Ally did not have any clue about Lauren and Camila. It was just a friendship to her.

Lauren still wanted to keep their relationship secret as she was still in the closet. Lucy told Lauren to just do what she wanted to do, which made her happy, and be herself. She did not have to come out to anybody. She owed nobody an explanation and did not have to clarify herself to others. Lauren slowly learned to accept this idea, but she still thought that she at least had to come out to her parents and Chris. She was afraid of thinking about it. She had no idea how they would react. She did not want to lose them, and she didn't want them to lose her as well.

Camila did not mind at all if she had to keep their relationship secret, to keep all the kisses and romantic stories behind a closed door. As long as she was with Lauren, she was fine. However, she was not that subtle and she could be sneaky or call it to slip out. She showed affection to Lauren in public. She would touch and hug Lauren and kiss her on the cheeks. She would not kiss her on the lips but she would throw physical affection whenever she could in a joking way just to cover it up. When she did it, Lauren tried to keep her cool, Lucy would smile and shake her head, and Dinah would smirk at her sneaky best friend. Camila also used the chance to be Lauren's girlfriend in public when she was approached by someone who she did not like either girls or guys. She would drag Lauren to be her girlfriend to make them go away.

They spent their Thanksgiving and Christmas separately but they spent the New Year together. This year, Camila finally had someone to have her New Year's Eve kiss. Last year, she had the kiss but the one she kissed run away. This year, Lauren did not run away, Camila had Lauren all to herself. Camila did not only have a kiss but kisses and also romantic lovemaking. Camila loved romantic stuff and Lauren was the right person when came to this and she could give it to Camila naturally.

Even though they understood and trusted each other more than ever, still they easily got jealous. Camila's jealousy was quite subtle, she would only bite her lips and look at Lauren. However, she would not be subtle anymore, If there any guy or girl approached Lauren aggressively, she would mark her territory. She could think of any way to make them retreat. While Lauren would not do anything when she got jealous. She would just have a bad mood and it was easily seen in her eyes. The worst thing she could do if she could not handle the jealousy was to snap, but it seldom happened. 


Days passed, weeks passed, months passed, and another year passed. Camila and Lauren were now in their last year of college. They were starting to think about their own futures and their future together. Lauren was doing good in her singing career. The public knew her now since she did the opening act for Halsey's concerts in the UK. They loved Lauren and she slowly attracted public and expert's attention. While Camila was doing an internship in her mother's company. Sinuhe was preparing Camila to take over her business. Camila enjoyed it. She was very good at it. Sinuhe was proud of her even though they still regularly had arguments.

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