Darius POV

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Darius' POV:
I was making TikTok's for my fans today at the mall and around my town with my sister. We actually had fun making them. We are really close but lately she's been fighting with me which causes us to be fighting and I honestly don't know what her deal is. But today we got a long like we always did and we had fun. It felt great being able to hang out without her causing a fight.
It's about 7:30PM so I'm just chilling in my room watching Netflix then I got an instagram DM by a guy named Zach.
(D=Darius) (Z=Zach)
Z: hey Darius :) I'm a manager for young creators who make content on social platforms. And I see you have quite a bit followers and you get plenty of likes on TikTok and you have a fair amount of followers on Instagram. Well I'm buying a home in Los Angeles, California. And bringing in 6 boys and naming the house as a name I don't know what yet. And having those 6 boys come together and move into the house. I already have an agreement with 5 other boys and I was wondering if you could be the 6 member?
D: that is actually amazing! I would love to move in with you and the other 5 boys. May I ask who those boys are?
Z: okay great! The other boys are Chris Williams, Bryan Williams, Tristan Blane, Tyler Schrage, And Dayne Murray.
D: okay, I actually kinda know Chris. And I've seen them on my for you page on TikTok
Z: okay that's cool. I plan on flying you guys out in about 3 weeks on August 10th.
D: alright that sounds good. But what about like beds and stuff like that yeah I can bring like 2 suit cases of clothes.
Z: I actually have your guys beds here already you guys will be sharing a room
D: ohh okay I see, I guess 3 weeks is enough time to pack and tell my family
Z: okay cool see you soon.
Wow this is actually cool that I'm moving to LA with other boys and persuade my online career. I'm gonna tell Y/N first.
D: hey umm Y/N can I tell you something?
You: yeah of course, what's up?
D: well here read this
You: Oh My God!! That's amazing!! You have to go! You will obviously love it!
D: I already said yes to Zach. I'm actually really excited about it. I'm nervous to tell mom and dad. Will you be there with me when I tell them?
You: of course Darius I will always be there for you, you know that
D: I know I know
You: we should tell them now. Because you're leaving in like 3 weeks and you can't tell them to the last minute.
D: you're right
You: I know I am *starts laughing* i usually am always right
D: shut up *starts laughing*
D: let's go to their room and tell them
You: ok
D: umm hey mom and dad can I tell you something?
(M= mom) (Da=dad)
M: yeah hunny, what's wrong?
D: well I'm moving to LA in 3 weeks, August 10th to be exact
M&Da: what?
D: here read this
Da: well that's great buddy, I'm glad that you're doing what you want to do and if it makes you happy it makes me and your mother happy and of course Y/N too.
D: thanks mom and dad. I'm excited not gonna lie
M: that's good! You should be!
I go back to my room and I decided to text one of my good friends and tell him the news.
D: hey Josh, what are you doing?
J: hey, not much just chilling, what's up?
D: I kinda wanna talk to you about something, could you come over tomorrow because I'd rather tell you in person then over the phone.
J: now this is kinda scaring me is it bad?
D: you'll find out tomorrow, but can you come over tomorrow?
J: yes I can. I'll come over at 11. Is that ok?
D: yes
*skip tomorrow at 11*
Josh should be here any minute so I guess I can chill in the living room till he gets here.
I hear a knock on the door and I said I got it and that it was josh
J: sorry I'm late traffics kinda bad this morning.
D: it's okay ahaha
J: so what do you need to tell me?
D: I'm moving to LA August 10th with 5 other "famous" creators on TikTok and other social platforms.
J: wait what?
D: yeah, here read this
J: wow well I guess congratulations, I hope you have fun and an amazing time over there
D: thanks bro
J: welcome. Wanna play some video games?
D: yeah sure
J: oh well I won't be able to say goodbye to you when you leave I will be on vacation in North Carolina going to see my uncle and my cousins
D: that's alright ahaha you can always say goodbye to me before you leave
J: I'm leaving in 2 days
D: ohh okay
*skip 2 hours*
J: I gotta go, so I guess this is goodbye. Have fun in LA
D: bye josh, thank you. Oh have fun on vacation in North Carolina
J: thanks
I think Josh is mad that I'm moving to LA and he doesn't wanna tell me. But what can I say.
You: hey dari what's wrong?
D: well I told Josh about me moving to LA and I think he's mad at me that I'm moving
You: well if he is who cares? You can't just stay to make someone else happy it's your life not theirs
D: you're right. But I don't want him mad at me
You: I know dari but it's your life. You can't just stay because he's your best friend. You're obviously happy about this don't ruin it just because you're best friend is mad about it.
D: yeah I guess you're right
You: you guess? I am right. I want you to go Darius I want you to persuade your dreams
D: and you don't think I don't want to persuade my dreams?
You: I didn't say that dari.
D: I know I'm sorry
You: it's okay.
Not gonna lie this situation is so stressful I know Y/N is happy fore and wants me to go because she sounds so serious but my parents and Josh sound like they don't want me to go. Like Y/N said I have to go and persuade my dreams and I do wanna go like I really want to go. You know what I'm gonna go I'm gonna move into this house with these boys have an amazing life in California with my new friends. I want this to happen. And I'm gonna make it happen.

Authors note: I'm sorry that this chapter is bad but I promise it will get better. I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter to this book :)
~Maddy ✌️~

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