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Broken Comatose...

In those four days, the teenagers told little to the adults. They didn't want to involve them, considering this was their mess to clean up.  Friday night, Alexa texted them it was all going down at the Beacon Hills Public Pool. Tara texted Jack, letting him know every bit of information they've gathered. He told them he'd have a truck, ready to take the sirens into a special part of Eichen House.

The McCall pack had their own plans. They didn't want the children involved at all. Scott figured out when everything was going to happen and they developed their own plan. During Saturday afternoon, Dwyer, Tara, and Travis all stopped by Allison's house. They had hoped she would have woken up by now. The teens walked up towards her room and stared at her.

"Why won't she wake up?" Nick asked.

"I wish I knew," Tara answered. Travis could barely look at Allison. Seeing her just lying there helpless, made him feel guilty.

"Can we just go over the plan one more time... please?" Travis questioned, wanting to change the subject.

"It's not that much of a plan." Dwyer huffed. Tara shot him a look, but he wasn't wrong. Their plan had just been to fight and hopefully win.

"Travis... are you okay?" Tara wondered, with concern flashing in her eyes.

"Yea it's just-" he paused for a second glancing at Allison. "If I hadn't talked to her out on the field, she'd be awake right now."

"Yea, but it wouldn't be Allison," Dwyer said, putting a hand on his shoulder out of comfort.

"Sal is going to wake up, I know she will," Tara whispered, hugging him tightly. They heard the door creak open, signaling that the parents had entered the house and the children went down the stairs to greet them. Allison stayed in her comatose state, just listening like she has been for days now. Then... everything happened.

Her body started shaking, as screams erupted through her ears. She saw the sirens and her friends fighting. She watched as the parents entered the fight, taking the creatures by surprise. Out of spite for the adults, Lance killed Alexa and then Travis. Sal saw Cassidy completely drain Noah and then choke Tara to death, making them stronger.

The two sirens put their voices together, creating a song that made Nick's ears start to bleed, then his nose, then his eyes, and lastly out of his mouth, up until his last breath. The adults tried to stop it, but it didn't take long before they ended up all dying too. Every death just made them stronger.

The last person standing was Scott McCall. The twins held each other's hands, combining their powers, and started to drain the alpha of every bit of water he had in his system. That was it, there was no one left to save him.

"No." Allison whispered as tears welled up in her eyes. A power overcame the Stilinski girl, making her scream on top of her lungs. There was no way in hell she'd let her friends and family die like that. Everyone in the house fell to their knees from the unexpected noise upstairs. Travis ran over to Tara, trying to shield her from the impact of the scream. It soon silenced and everyone started to slowly stand up.

Footsteps were heard from upstairs as Allison struggled to find her way down. She could feel Void getting closer to her and fighting him off, was starting to kill her. Sal stumbled down the stairs, nearly falling, but Lydia and Stiles caught her.

"Holy shit," Theo stated what everyone else was thinking. Allison dropped to her knees and held her head. Void was screaming at her so loudly, it clouded her senses. She yelled out in pain and deep within her subconscious, she decided to do the one thing she was good at... fight.

The girl tackled Void to the ground and started to punch. The evil spirit soon kicked her off and started to hit her repeatedly. The fight continued on the inside, but it gave her enough strength on the outside to help her friends and family.

"Are you okay?" Tara asked, kneeling next to Allison.

"I saw what happened. You guys all went to fight the sirens, but you lost. I watched how you all died." The teen answered, slowly standing up.

"What?" Dwyer pushed further.

"You guys put up a good fight, but you didn't have a full plan. You didn't know it... but they planned on fighting tonight too." She explained, pointing towards the adults.

"When you guys got there, it made Cassidy and Lance act fast. They got stronger with each death and they won." Everyone looked around at one another, but Allison didn't want to waste any more time.

"Where are you going?" Travis asked, following behind her.

"Making our plan a thousand times better." She answered, as if it was obvious. When the blonde boy still didn't understand, she held out the kanima venom.

"What about Void?" Liam wondered. The girl looked down in silence and then looked up at everyone.

"I'll either win or lose tonight." That statement alone was enough to hurt the people closest to her.

"If we do this quickly, we can figure out the whole Void situation," Malia chimed in.


"I'm sorry, no?" Lydia asked.

"I could say it in another language, but it'd still sound like no." Her daughter said sarcastically.

"We're just trying to help!" Stiles yelled.

"I know. But we have to do this on our own," Allison calmly spoke.

"Let us be your back up," Liam suggested.

"Don't you get it? This isn't your fight anymore... It's ours," The brunette said.

"We're coming with," Scott demanded.

"No, you're not. It's not up to you guys anymore... it's up to us."

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