Diva,divine and dilemma

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If you ask me which one is my favourite chapter,I will definitely say this chapter.
My personal favorite chapter ❤️

All around of me is filled with heavy smoke.Nothing can be seen within a distance of one meter.This thick smoke is hurting my eyes.I am trying to wave my hands side by side to get rid of the smoke.Where is this smoke coming from?Suddenly fear overwhelms my mind.


'Baby baby where are you?I can't find you'

I start screaming and groping blindly in such darkness around me for my baby's warmth.
Where is he??

All at once a ray of divine light dazzles my eyes.I hide my face.At first it was painful to keep looking towards that direction.Uff...It's hurting,can't keep my eyes opened.

I close my eyes.

Taking deep breaths I softly start to open my eyes.

What I see took my breath away.

Through light there rose an ethereal beauty with dazzling smile,sparkling eyes,skin as white as snow,silky black hair,red luscious lips ready to be kissed with heavenly aura as background.

My Beam

He is coming to me.My heart bursts out with happiness.With a glimpse of him all my previous worries are gone,he brings serenity all around.

I walk over to him.I need warmth of my love.I approach to hold his waist.My eyes pour all my love I feel for him.

He......squirms!!With my touch!!!!

'Hey baby what's wrong?'

He looks a bit....... uncomfortable.I grab his hand to assure him everything is fine.I am damned sure he is scared because of darkness and smoke around us.

I start to massage his hands.Somehow I feel a bit.... weird.His hand shape feels a bit large,almost like mine....and....and....umm.....rough?
But......his hands are soft like feather but now they are quite rough.Is he cold?Did he work hard during his lab works?But why his hands feel like they are used to work hard with....machines..... machines!!!

Beam only cuts dead bodies I think.Though I have rough idea about their stingy lab thing...
Anyway I will buy moisturizer for him.

I increase the pace of my massage.He is trying to remove my hand and squirms more.Did he gain a bit weight??!!Why didn't I notice?

By the way I can't blurt that out to my queen.He will make a chaos and introduce a new hell to me...No no...I shudder with that thought.

I am still continuously massaging his veiny hands.....wait...wait...veiny!!!!
He starts to work out in the gym!!!!Where were I all this time!!!!!????

His hands now felt super cold.Hmm...I need to warm him up.He is shivering continuosly.Only way to keep the cold away from my love is....ahemmm...you know..

So I aim at his red cherry lips...I bit by bit enter in to his personal space,close my eyes and start to feel the heavenly bliss...his soft thin lips are....
Wait...they seems a bit plump and.... rough too...I nibble his lips for tasting honey of Beam's lips....his lips somehow scented a bit......cigarette!!

I start to wonder what is happening and........


Someone kickbmy groin too hard and I fall down from bed...

"You bastard!!!!!Assshole!!!!!!!!!Yuk...yuk....disgusting."

I got my sense back when I was being kicked over and over.

'Phi.... Phi..... Oh shit!I did that to..... to....P'Mew!!!!!!!!!!!!'
My eyes are widened now with sudden realization.....almost come out from the orbs...

"Shit... Shit...shit.....
I am so sorry I am so sorry....."

"I need to brush my teeth....yuk yuk....'Mew starts to spit...."Mouthwash mouthwash"...He rushes towards the bathroom.

Forth's mind is foggy now..'Arrgggh....I am having Beam withdrawal syndrome I think.'

Forth sits down to clear his mind.

Mew comes out from bathroom panting....
"You piece of shit,horny bastard...You thought I was Beam!!!!!I wish I could kill you!!!" He spits fire now...He is almost about to tear his hair.

"Now I will have nightmare!" Mew is about to throw everything around.

"I am sorry!I am sorry!!"

Mew glares.

Forth sulks.

"I am missing Beam.I can't believe he is at my house but I can't be with him."

"Ok ok...Enough lover boy.It's almost midnight.Let's sleep.

Wait... Wait...I will not leave you without punishment.

My couch is there and bring a duvet from cupboard."

''Why do I always end up in couch??'' Forth sighs.

After sometime....

''I know you are still awake...''

"I can't sleep Phi."

"Let's do this one thing."

Forth budges from his place.


"Be...am....bea....m...baby......Wake up na...."
Forth knocks softly and whispers in husky voice.He checks the perimeter before.

He could feel Beam stirs up and is coming to the door.
Forth prepares his hair to look handsome in front of his hubby and puts his best smile on face.

He opens the door harshly and folds his hands on his chest.

"Hey baby...I was missing you so much that.... "

"I thought gentlemen live in this family mr. Jaturapoom.I never thought I will be harassed at midnight by one of the members."

Forth is taken aback with sudden burst out.Whole house is silent.His voice will bring chaos.

"Baby I was...." Forth is about convince him but....

"I think all the necessary things you need are sent to you already.If you excuse me I want to sleep....'

"No wait..." Forth is about to touch his hand....

"Don't touch me!" He almost yells.Forth got panicked and presses his mouth with hand to keep him quiet.

"Sssshh...sshhh...they will hear baby....stop stop..." Forth is in the verge of losing his mind.

Bean bites inside the palm of Forth...

"Ouch!!!!" He screams frantically forgetting everything.

Everyone comes out from their room hearing the commotion.

"I know I am beautiful Mr. Jaturapoom.If you continue to stay in front of my room and harass me I will put a complain on you over there to your father."

With loud thud he closes the door on his face.Forth closes his eyes.He still can't believe this is happening with him.

He stars scratching his non-itchy head.His head is blank now.

He knows what is awaiting behind.

He slowly turns around.

M-m..ommmm Daaaad...

(Poor Forth!!!Let's pray for him.)
Another punishment is on the way.He is suffering.I think I should blame myself 😜

Double update 😊 Enjoy

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