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Last time Beam revealed something he shouldn't reveal.How will the family react?


After last night's chaos this morning is too quite for anyone's taste.Each one of them have questions in mind.Basically Marla's and Earth's.A bit of Mew's too.

If you are surprised that why Mew I mean Mew knows everything already.

Actually for Mew the question is - "Where did you get him from?"

Ok.Now jokes apart.Let's be serious.

Both mother and son heard everything.Marla wasn't sober last night but now she is.

They heard how he mentioned medical terms,instruments, some professor, Phana....

'Who is Beam?'
They never questioned.

Marla and Earth are preparing breakfast together.

"Mom,you need to talk to Beam."


"You know what happened last night?You need to ask who he is.Dad is not doing anything."

Marla nods.

Earth feels relaxed.He doesn't have to initiate.His mother will do this vital work.

They are all having an awkward breakfast.

Beam is tensed.He was out of his mind so he revealed information about himself.Now he is ruined.
He couldn't sleep well last night.Today anyone will notice eye bags.

With heavy mind he joined breakfast table.

Everyone is glancing at him time to time.

He could feel that.He is nervous like hell.His forehead is full of sweat.
Forth's palms are sweating.Somehow all the plans Beam made looks like will not work anymore.It backfires on Beam.

Only David looks like nothing happened in this whole world.

Mew only shakes his head.'Why I am anticipating another drama?'

Uhhummm...Marla cleared his throat.

Beam knows he is doomed.

Now mom wil question him what she didn't before.

Beam stopped eating.He sighs and closes his eyes.

Everyone's breathing all most stopped.Their heartbeat reaches to its peak.

"Who is Phana?"

"Huh?" except David everyone reacted at the same time.

If you measure who is the most astonished person here then that place goes to Earth.

"Beamiieee...." Marla raised her voice suddenly.. "don't tell me he is your boyfriend!!!" She gasps with such anticipation.

Mew,Forth and Beam started coughing so much that Marla rushed to pour water on each of their glasses.

They tried to calm their body and mind as they all choked badly.

Beam patted his chest several times..

" friend..."

"Ah Thank God!"

"Is he cute?" Marla is curious.


"That Phana guy?"

Beam is thinking in which way that arrogant brat looks cute.

He shakes his head.

"More on.... ha...handsome side." He hates to praise that bastard.

"Ahemm..."Forth glares.

Beam gulps.'Shit...'

Marla looks disappointed.

Another handsome guy.She looked bored.

"Bu..but I have friend who is cute...He has dimples." Beam says with genuine smile.In a family if you want to survive praise mommy always.

He doesn't want his so called mommy's throwing sandals on his head.He shudders.

That gets attraction from Marla.

"Dimples!!!Oh how much I wanted dimples on my face!But bad genes." She sulked. "Neither of my parents had one.My bad!!"

Earth is speechless.'Just like that!!!This should not have happened.What is mom doing?After Beam happened mom is now too dramatic to handle.That never happened before.Usually mom was cheerful but not crazy.Don't tell mom I said that.Mom has a secret weapon....uhummm.........broom.No way I want to be beaten up by that.I have prestige hummmph...Why I am dramatic now!!'


"His name is Kit by the way.Don't call him kitty though.He will be hulk...."

Marla laughs with that comment.

Gradually that heaviness lifted from his heart.He can see his mother in law is so accepting.

Beam continuously talks "They are basically like my foster parents - always overprotective but too caring." Beam feels proud of them.

Everyone feels happy with that because Beam's eyes are sparkling.
Earth couldn't take it anymore.

"Mom you should have asked him whether he is a doctor or not." Earth protested.

Now everyone's focus is on Earth.

Then Beam.

That nervousness is back.

"Oh you stupid!!You know anything about those jargon he used before?No right?Beam knows because he studies those.Simple!This is as clear as water he is a doctor."

" be doctor." Beam blushed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....Thinking about it I have a doctor at house!!!OMG!!!!Can my baby not be more perfect than this!!!!!!!?????"

"A true angel, a trueeeeee angellllll...."

"Oh my baby!!!" She stops eating and rushed to Beam
she engulfs him into her arms.

"I bet my baby's one look hospital's patients will be half cured."

Beam blushed.

'That's not something good!!!' Forth fumes. 'Why didn't I think that before???Next year my baby will intern in a big hospital.What if... what if...There will be handsome doctors,beautiful sexy nurses,hot patients....How can I protect my baby?' He is so deep in thought that he couldn't catch everyone stops talking.

They are actually awe to see a distorted expression Forth makes.


'My baby will get gifts,they will try to flirt, try to grab his attention....'


"Ouuchhh...." Forth is dumfounded.

Marla now massaging Forth's body,face.

Forth still can't recover from shock of slap.

"Baby stomach ache?Heartache?Epilepsy?"

"Mom not epilepsy!!!Epilepsy patient doesn't look like him!'' Earth is so done with Marla's weirdness.

"Is that so Beamiiee?"

Beam is gaping and nodding at the same time.

"Ok.That's it.I think Forth has constipation." Mew states decidedly.

For the second time Forth coughed so badly that day.


I love dramatic Marla. ❤

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