C for Chaos

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From being a Couch Potato for a long time I am back.

Marla's everyday household peace has been in ruckus after that.

Constant lies and hide and seek game drain them to the core.

All somehow ends up with searching for the angelic pale guy at their house and try to get a glimpse.

Since then either they will be sent with delicious dishes to taste or invitation cards - all ends up into the final destination.. Garbage bin.

Who knows someone mix something up inside those foods!

Like today too invitation cards are showered on them for joining Community Club year celebration.

"Why this year they send cards individually?That never happened before!We are getting cards from each house!Basically every year they sent one."
Forth is checking them one by one.Same card with different names.Forth throws them again to the table with rage.

"Yeah..This year we get a lot....I mean oddly a lot." Mew scratches his head.

"It’s better you drink tea Forthie.It's getting cold."

"Yeah." Forth is bored anyway.

Beam looks at them but says nothing.He enjoys this tea time always and their banter. 😁

They are all taking tea and basking over nothing at living room or may be those poor cards.Those cards very soon will find their fate in dustbin.

David joins them now a days though still a silent viewer.

Earth took them from table and started laughing hard for pile of cards.

"Hahahaha...come on!Thinking about it we are like inside Harry Potter movie mom.Cards are coming and coming..But who could be the Harry Potter here?You have three sons.Hahaha..."

"You can try to be Harry Potter then.." Marla retorted.

"No one will watch the movie anyway except your husband may be!"

Forth and Mew laughs hard.

"I need to wear glass then.A round one to impress him.Hahaha..." Earth winks

"Shameless!!!He is already head over heals on you." 
(I wanted to choose Newwie badly for this character but that will create conflict with some previous chapters as I already told you Beam and Gulf are the only cute people Marla met till now.So I choose Mix here.The guy from upcoming drama A Tell of Thousand stars.I am eagerly waiting for this drama)

"And possessive too.Who knows if you try to act in a movie he may cage you so that no can see you!" Forth winks.

Both Mew and Forth does high five.

"Hey I am reading a horror story recently where a possessive husband cuts his wife's limbs so that she can't go outside and stays beside him always.Who knows he gets such idea!"

''I can help with that."Beam calmly joined his notion.


"I mean cutting part.I can do that."

"What the hell!Don't give him weird ideas.He will blackmail me every now and then." He shudders.

Everyone laughs again.This time like crazy....

"Cough..cough...Ah my stomach is paining!"

"All of you are making fun of me." Earth pouts.

If Mix would have been here...he is very sure no one would support him. (Poor guy)

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