A Day of Relaxation

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After storm we need rest.


They returned home safe and sound.

Marla who was holding her breath felt relief.Forth now get back his life as if some sucked it before.Each time Beam encounters father personally he feels like dying.His father is unpredictable in another way.

They want to ask what happened back at the forest.They are all itchy and curious.Since morning no one was talking on this topic specially because this involves David.

The whole atmosphere is stuffy.She couldn’t sleep well last night so she thought they deserve some sort of a day to relax.Everyone is stressed.They need to loose up a bit.

She tries to inhale more of flowery scents from her garden.She stands in their porch looking at nothing.

She knows she always creates drama but that has a reason.Without her involvement now with Beam this home of her will be strangers home.People coming and going,then eating and sleeping.She tries to make it lively.Her sons are almost copycat of father.They are better than him though.Credit goes to her.That caveman stays inside that damn room almost whole day.Only for eating and sleeping he comes out.

She sometimes planned to burn that room but refrain herself.That would be too much.

David has changed a lot over time.In college days he was different.Always tried to woo Marla,did stupid things to make her happy,he used to laugh a lot,neatly dressed himself to impress her,bought her flowers,chocolates,romantic dinner,sudden crazy plans to roam around in his motorcycle,giving cheesy love letters...Marla chuckles inwardly recalling those days.

Then that smile gone like....bam...She sighs...She couldn’t preserve those innocent days.David's work needs seriousness,he goes for tough missions.May be with years of constant practice to be solemn snatches that innocence.

A drop of tear roll down from her eyes to her pale cheek.

She hurriedly wiped that.

She promised herself since then she will not let that happen to her sons.She formed this cooking club thing.She takes them to tend the garden,gossip together,eat together.Though they have their father's gene but they are all improving.

Now when Beam enters that family frame she becomes ecstatic as this guy brings that innocence that happiness comes from heart back to her home.She can also read people and distinguish good and bad.This child may be a bit naughty and not so innocent but has a good heart that of an angel.

'I am not a fool'.

Now Marla smiles.

She has a reason to smile now and she will not let that vanish.

With determination and power in mind she went back inside to repel stuffy environment.

Beam comes out from his room all fresh after mornings exhaustion.He took a power nap.That was a different experience for him.His body is bit sore.He never walked that much.

"Beam baby are you all right now?Want tea coffee?"

"Umm...tea will be fine.."

"Wait you need chamomile tea."

He sits down in a couch as knee feels weak.

One by one other gather around him.They don't talk.

"Forth baby long time not listen your song na.Mom wants to hear."

To address others she told them to sit down too.

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