Held Hostage

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When I'm in the dark

Sometimes I feel like a hostage

Keep me in the dark

I want to feel like a hostage

There was always a part of you that was terrified to be on camera. Recordings exposed your true nature, highlighted flaws, and could catch you in the most embarrassing moments. Dating Sean you knew at some point he would want to introduce you to his fans, but you always pushed the idea away. You wanted nothing more than to be in the dark to Sean's fanbase. He knew this and stopped questioning your insecurities, settling on recording only if you were nowhere to be found.

The night and the dark appreciate

The light and the heat we generate

My heart and my soul co-operate

I want you to be happy

Despite your budding unassertiveness, Sean made you feel like a queen among thieves. At night he pressed his lips to the exposed skin on your tummy, holding you close as the dimly lit room you shared grew hot with the passion you made together. Like you, Sean felt as if he became in tune with his heart and spirit, the two joining to solidify him in the moments he spent with the girl he had fallen in love with. All Sean wanted to do was make you happy, and if that meant loving you in secret then so be it.

I just want to give myself to it

I'll come when you call me a little bitch

It gets me when you whisper it

I want you to be happy

The only falter in Sean's facade was when he took a picture of you and teased about exposing it to the world. You cursed at him for the first and final time that night, calling him a bitch if he were to go through with his taunt. The room fell silent as Sean chunked his phone onto the bed, jaw set as he threw daggers at you with his blue eyes.

Sean took a slow step forward and asked for you to repeat yourself, and the curse fell from your lips in a hesitant whisper that had Sean smirking. You returned the smile, relaxing when Sean closed the distance between your bodies to kiss your lips. He would delete the picture from his photo gallery, of course, but only after he made you feel better about the sadness that overwhelmed your existence. In the meantime, the only thing you focused on wasn't how angry you felt at yourself, but at how all turmoil melted from your bones as Sean held your face in his hands.

Sometimes I feel like a hostage

When I'm in the dark

Sometimes I feel like a hostage

Point it at my heart

Through thick and thin, Sean and you held each other in times of dread and frustration. There were days spent in the darkness of your shared bedroom entangled in each other, hands intwined and kisses lingering. Whatever the reason for yours and Sean's depression disappeared with a hushed, "I love you," and the promise of better days. Being kept hostage by the sadness, you directed the pain at the other and turned grief into adoration.

I want you

I want you

I want you to be happy

I want you

I want you

I want you to be happy

Pancakes and burning candles, pillow fights and rainy days in, your relationship became the fire that fueled your will to find peace within yourself. Sean nurtured and taught you to accept the darkest parts of reality. In return you promised to stay with him, to occupy the reoccurring void that woke Sean in the middle of the night. All you wanted for each other was to be the reason to keep the other alive and serene.

The day and the night don't separate

This ache for you starts to dominate

I'm finding it hard to concentrate

I want you to be happy

Nights spent in love blended into the daytime where Sean recorded for his channel and longed for you to join him. The need for your presence was all he could focus on, but the insecurities resurfacing kept you away from revelation.

Every missed day was one Sean would make up for at night, yet a deeper part of him wanted to heal you completely so he could love you in the daytime just as much as he did in the shadows. No matter how hard he tried, there was something that held you hostage in the depths you felt no desire to leave.

I wait for you like a prisoner

Whatever it is that moves in us

It's starting to feel a lot like love

I want you to be happy

Sean was patient and sat like an obedient child as he listened to your sad words. He would hold you close, reveling in the heat you gave off before hushing your cries with a powerful kiss. The gravity holding you and him together was breathtaking, and the love Sean felt for you demanded to be constantly acted upon. He held back, though, for the day you decided to let the world see just how happy Sean made you.

Sometimes I feel like a hostage

When I'm in the dark

Sometimes I feel like a hostage

Point it at my heart

For the first time in the span of yours and Sean's relationship, you were being filmed. A simple makeup video was what Sean suggested to ease you into the world of YouTube, and you were doing surprisingly well. You laughed at his jokes, talked more openly about yourself, and enjoyed quality time in the light.

I warned you

I warned you

I want you to be happy

I warned you

I warned you

I want you to be happy

All you wanted for Sean was to be happy with your progress as a confident woman, and all Sean wanted for you was to listen to him as he eased your troubled mind. You yearned for happiness and a fruitful relationship, and after endless nights of struggle and faith, the two of you were content with yourselves. There was nowhere to go but up.

Thank you so much for reading this <3

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