How He Truly Felt

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Under no circumstances had Sean been so adamant to confess his feelings. He had never been the kind of guy who refused to express how he truly felt when he knew the time was right. He was mature enough to handle a declaration of love gone wrong, but when it came to you there was always a chance of ruining the moment. You, unlike others before, were the one person he would not risk the company of. He would have much rather been your friend than stain the relationship with awkward confessions and unrequited affections.

What Sean didn't know: you felt the same.

It was an unspoken bond everyone but you two managed to dissect. Mark, of course, was the first to pick up on it and then the gang and your other friends. No one brought it up because of your shyness and out of respect for your privacy, but they did try to drop hints. Whenever you and Sean were in the same room, flirtatious group games and friends bumping you into each other were frequent occurrences. Eventually you, being quick to analyze, spoke to your friends and confirmed suspicions. Quickly you gave into your feelings just a bit more, not entirely sure of where you and Sean stood but comfortable enough to drop your own hints.

You began with brushing your fingertips against Sean's own when handing him things or squeezing between him and another person. You ran your fingers through his hair playfully, held his gaze for a few seconds longer, and even kissed his cheek when he gave you little trinkets or a compliment. His reciprocation led you to believe Sean felt the same, but not even then did you bother confessing to each other.

Twirling, Sean's hand in yours stilled your dizziness when you came to an abrupt stop. You were standing in the kitchen of his rented apartment, a cute little place for Sean to stay while you recorded videos together away from his home. It was rare for Sean to visit, but when he did you practically lived and acted as if you were roommates or, sometimes you allowed yourself to think, as lovers. It was just another day in your progressed lives, cooking and dancing and singing until the food burned and you had no choice but to order in and relax on the couch.

After yet another fiasco of an attempt at cooking, you and Sean settled down in the living room with a movie playing and your feet propped on the coffee table. An hour passed with jokes and food, neither of you bothering to pay any attention to the television. Eventually you had to clean up after yourselves, with Sean washing plates and utensils while you dried. It was domestic, but it didn't occur to you both how unordinary you and Sean acted around one another.

Sean gazed out of the window, distracted by his own thoughts while you carried on explaining a ridiculous YouTuber scandal to him. When you noticed how out of it he was, you asked Sean what was wrong before setting aside the last plate. Sean, handing you a recently washed fork, turned the tap off and replied, "Do you think it's weird how people make scandals out of us?" Sean dried his hands off, eyeing you as you set the fork aside and yanked the towel out of his hands to dry your own. A cute frown of concentration curled on your lips before you kissed Sean's cheek and threw the towel onto the countertop.

"Let people think what they want. I like how we are," you replied simply. You walked away toward the living room, intent on changing the subject to avoid why you and Sean acted the way you did. There was no other person in your life in which you acted as a couple without speaking about it. What you and Sean did came naturally and, while there were times when you wanted to elaborate on what you were, there was a label you gave yourselves and hadn't bothered bringing to light. What it was, no one knew or bothered trying to explain.

Sean, content with your answer, followed you into the living room and let you lay on his chest. As the night drew to a close and you became too tired to drive home, Sean threw a blanket over yourselves and let you sleep on top of him. As his fingers curled the ends of your hair and your hands rested on his chest, Sean let his eyes close as he thought about the last few months. You had both been extremely affectionate to one another, not even bothering to keep the touching and flirting to a minimum on social media. When asked on Q&A videos what you were, you would simply shrug and look at each other and move on.

By the time Sean figured you were asleep, he let himself kiss your forehead and clasp his hands across your back. "I'm in love with you, ya know," Sean whispered. He held his breath, being sure you couldn't hear and knowing fully well that you weren't one to stir so easily. Nevertheless, Sean was nervous that there was a one in a million chance you would awaken the moment he got the guts to confess why he so easily treated you like his girlfriend when you weren't. Or, really, why he returned the gestures of romantic affections you initiated and didn't bother to explain. Hell, the only reason he hadn't confessed was because he was terrified he was wrong about the hints you'd been dropping.

Much to Sean's relief, however, you didn't stir or give any indication that you had woken up. No shifting to the side or halted breath alerted Sean, so he shut his eyes and continued breathing normally without worrying about you hearing him. Little did Sean know, you hadn't gotten to that blissful state of deep sleeping and, instead, heard Sean's voice in what you would assume to be a dream. One in which the man you loved confessed finally.

You would wake up the following morning thinking Sean confessing was a dream, and you would go on dancing around each other, too afraid of saying anything that would ruin a relationship you both secretly wanted to progress.

Thanks for readin <33

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