Made Of Questions

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Night drives with Anti were a rarity; you were always so busy with work and Anti would rather spend time killing people and plundering. However, when the demon was bored enough he was willing to do anything as long as it was slightly illegal, and you knew of the perfect place. Just outside the town you lived in was an abandoned school building you discovered years before you met Anti, and because he complained about nothing to do you shoved him into your car without a word.

The drive there forced you to take a gravel road half of the way, and as you sat in the driver's seat Anti casted you curious glances while he held one hand against the dashboard. Because of the rocky terrain, your car shook with every dip and bump that had Anti worried for his safety considering you could barely see. The sun was beginning to set, and the trees on your side of the road blocked what remained of the yellow rays.

"Wh͡ere ͞a҉re we͠ g͡oing̀?" Anti asked, the question emerging in conversation for the tenth time since the fifty minute drive. You sighed, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly enough to make a left turn down a dirt road lined with trees on both sides. Eyes glancing to your nervous boyfriend, you chuckled at the thought of leading him to the middle of nowhere to murder him. What drama would ensue if that were the case?

"It's a surprise," you replied. Anti's brow furrowed as he wondered what could possibly be so interesting and sitting out in the middle of nowhere. You pulled up beside a fenced off field, the wires barricading you but there was a hole somewhere along the lining. Anti followed as you got out of the car, its headlights off and the only sound being chirping birds and your shoes scuffing against the dusty ground. Without asking, Anti copied your actions and pushed back a cut part of the wire fence, ignoring the trespassing sign that hung loosely and rusted over the years.

Once you slipped past the poor defense system, you gazed across a foggy field and squinted your eyes to see exactly what you intended to find. The run down school sat in a corner of the field, fallen brick and rubble covering the ground around it and the shattered windows so dark your curiosity practically kicked you. Anti stood by your side, hands in his pockets but a quizzical look on his face.

Anti looked down at you, eyes going black when you returned the gaze. "I ̷am ̀ma̴d͠e ́of ̶q͜úest̴i͢ons̨ ̕r͏ight ͢ņow," Anti confessed. You rolled your eyes, feet moving forward through mud and slick blades of grass that stuck to the sides of your sneakers. Anti glitched after you before placing a hand on your shoulder and doing it once more. You placed a hand on your spinning head, not accustomed to your boyfriend's preferred method of travel regardless of having done it plenty of times.

You gazed up at the building, eyes scanning the tendrils of green vines that creeped up its face. As ominous as it appeared, the scariest thing that could be in the old school was standing right beside you and holding your hand protectively. It was a bit ironic, but a cold shudder ran down your spine regardless. Head tilting back to look at Anti, you gave him a supportive smile before tugging on his hand and leading the demon inside.

After climbing through a broken window (because the front door had been chained shut), you searched for Anti, who had decided crawling in via a window was too risky for his complexion. You landed on your feet with a huff, standing immediately to search for your boyfriend. The hallway you chose to wander down was dark and littered with leaves that had been blown in through the windows. It was cold and dusty, yet amazing to glance into the classrooms and try to piece together what happened. Your limited knowledge came from an old Wikipedia article that explained the school had been used as a clinic during World War II, and since then no one bothered rebuilding it after it was shot a few times.

A gust of cold air hit your back, the chill sending goosebumps across your skin. You turned and faced Anti, his large and excited grin what you were hoping for on the long drive to the school. "How did yòu̡ fįn̵d̨ ̷ţhis͝ ́pl͝ace?" Anti asked, eyes looking up at the cracked roof as if to emphasize his wonder for the deserted building. You shrugged, soaking in the look of pure joy on Anti's face before turning to continue on.

"This can be our place now," you decided. Without facing you, Anti laced his fingers with yours and hummed in agreement. The building, tinted gray with age, held a sense of nostalgic safety that reminded you of home. It could use some fixing up, but then again a piece of history should be left untouched. Plus, you were certain Anti would bring victims to the location, and why bother scraping blood off the walls when you could just leave it be?

Thanks for readin <3

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