The After-Party

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It was the day before Christmas that you and Sean threw a holiday party. Gingerbread cutouts were streamed across the apartment, Christmas lights hung from the corners of every room, and cookies and pizza littered the kitchen counter. You'd spent all night catching up with friends you hadn't seen in ages, but Mark and Amy were the two visitors who remained after the party. Neither you nor Sean minded. In fact, you enjoyed being so close with the two and the sleepover was a more than welcomed idea.

After the remaining guests left and you cleaned up unnecessary cups and plates, you got around to picking out a few DVDs from yours and Sean's collection. It didn't take much for you to convince the boys to build a fort for everyone to sleep in. While Sean got Mark situated with a plan, you and Amy spaced out on one side of the couch and got comfortable.

While Mark and Sean pulled chairs and blankets together to build a fort in the living room, you and Amy sat in your pajamas (hers being borrowed from you) with wine in hand and a blanket shared between you. The television was on and a dull blue glow pulsed from the screen, casting shadows along the boy's faces as they struggled to communicate their desires for the fort. Between sips of wine, you and Amy tugged the blanket back and forth and talked on and on about how childish Mark and Sean were acting.

"But he is cute," Amy carried on. Her head tilted to the side as she took in Mark and the muscles in his tanned arms as he lifted a chair over a stack of pillows to situate it to his liking. You could understand Mark's attractiveness and Amy's admiration for his physique, but Sean was tall and lean and you couldn't help but mentally arguing that he was the better looking man. It was all about preference, of course, so you did nothing but hum in agreement when Amy went on to comment on Mark's growing hair and circular eyeglasses.

As Amy went on talking about Mark, you watched the way Sean argued playfully with him and unfolded a sheet. The boys had raided the hallway closet containing all the blankets, pillows, and pillowcases in order to have a steady supply of fort materials. You had attempted to convince Sean not to use all of them, but he carried armfuls with Mark on his heels so there was no use in convincing either of them to stop. Once there was an idea in their heads, it was difficult to get them to think about anything else. "I like Sean's perseverance," you found yourself saying. Amy agreed with you with a mumbled response, glass tilting back to finish off her drink.

Sean, with a joyful grin on his face, pushed Mark away from his side of the fort and rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie. With his hair at one side and a blush on his face, Sean looked soft and joyful as he spent time with the three people who meant the most in his life. You also couldn't help but smile when Sean turned to bend over and pick up a pillow to throw against Mark's head. "Sean is genuine and kind, but have you seen that ass though?" You rhetorically asked Amy, whose eyes widened before a laugh bursted from her. Joining in her laughter, you and Amy caught the boy's attentions and they turned to either of you with curious looks on their faces.

"Should we even ask?" Sean wondered. He looked at you, eyes narrowed and a teasing smile on his lips as you waved Amy's giggles away. You were always gossiping and plotting together, so Sean and Mark knew it was little to no use wondering what you and Amy were talking about.

After shaking your head to answer Sean, you pulled the blanket over your head so you and Amy could signal privacy needed to be restored. The boys received the message and left you and Amy to carry on talking about the aspects you adored in your respective boyfriends. You carried on like that until the fort was finally finished to everyone's liking, and the four of you managed to fit under the rickety thing with hot chocolates in hand and a Christmas movie playing on your laptop. A bucket of cookies was passed from person to person, sprinkles winding up in blankets and beneath pillows that would wind up being thrown at someone in a fit of mock anger. You were like children again, too anxious for the following Christmas day to sleep until it became physically impossible to resist the temptation of shutting eyelids and loud yawns.

Later that night, after the movie was finished and the end credits were rolling, Mark and Amy had fallen fast asleep and curled up on one side of the fort. Beneath your own blankets and at the opposite side, Sean had pulled you snug against his broad chest. With your head close enough to listen to his heartbeat, you were lulled to sleep with a stomach full of cookies and a heart heavy with love for Sean. It was your first Christmas together, but there would be many more to come with the same childish games and youthful occasions.

So you fell asleep that night, loving those around you and loved by them. You'd gotten through another year full of hardships and laughter and memories you would attempt to hold onto as the years went on. You would live through more ups and downs, but there was no use being upset with a life that was so short. You would continue to love yourself and others (or at least try), and to go on seeing the good in things when light seemed to fade away entirely. Another year gone, but a brand new year shortly on the way filled with just as much and maybe even more love.

Thanks for readin <3

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