He Was There In My Thunderstorm

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Stirring in your sleep was due to the shaking of your bedroom walls and the vibrations of the floorboards beneath your bed. Even your subconscious was aware of the constant movement, and you'd awoken to purple flashes of light across the walls. A violent patting against the windows and rooftop led to your conclusion that there was, in fact, a thunderstorm raging outside. Your fists immediately curled your blankets, fingernails sharp and piercing through the fabric as thunder shook the sky once more.

You turned to Sean, who was fast asleep right beside you and snoring loudly over the suddenly hostile weather.

Had you been embarrassed over your fear and Sean unaware of you having it, you would have hesitated to curl up to his back and throw a blanket over your head. Shaking, you did your best to remain silent as crash after crash of thunder ricocheted and lightning struck the Earth. While most people had panic attacks over crowds or heights, you were deathly afraid of the unexpected bangs of thunderstorms. While you had adapted to having little to no control over other aspects in your life, violent weather was the one fear you couldn't recover from. Not only was it unpredictable, but its characteristics were loud and left you unprepared for the noise of thunder and lightning and the crashing of weak trees.

You took comfort in having Sean beside you even if he was unconscious and unlikely to be phased by the storm enough to wake up. With another violent burst of thunder, your arm wrapped around Sean's waist for a tether. You were indoors and safe, but some instinct refused to let the stress of your situation subside. Another rumble of your home had your breaths suddenly unsteady, eyes shut tightly to keep out the purple flashes of light coming in through the window. The tapping of raindrops only increased your dread, and your grip on Sean tightened and eventually caused him to stir awake.

Slowly but surely your lover turned, but you were too ashamed and petrified to do anything but try and breathe properly. Sean, just then becoming aware of his surroundings, sat up slowly when he noticed it was raining outside. Another roll of thunder made you whimper and Sean, finally alert that you were awake and breathing unsteadily, sat up against the pillows and tried to sit you up as well. "Hey, sunshine," he said sleepily, "look at me. Hey–look." Sean's hands urged you to lean against the pillows, warm tears sliding down your face while your breaths grew short and desperate.

Suddenly Sean climbed out of bed, but your eyes were shut and you had no intention to open them to watch where he was going. A few seconds later the bed dipped at your feet, and another crack of lightning made you jump so badly that you stopped breathing for a moment. You felt hands at your ears and Sean's fingers pushed back your hair before earbuds were placed and music was playing loudly. You couldn't hear thunder, but you could feel the vibrations of the house and Sean's fingers as he touched your eyelids, silently telling you to open them. When you did, he placed your hand over his heart and took deep breaths, indicating for you to follow his lead. He had turned a bedside lamp on, and the warmth of the light collided with the purple flashes of lightning. Sean had also turned the blinds up and shut the curtains, and focused entirely on getting you to breathe easier. Your phone was playing your favorite songs, blasting each note and lyric over the disruptive weather outside.

Eventually your hands stopped shaking and, after mimicking Sean's deep breaths, he got back under the covers and pulled you down to his level. A blanket went up over your heads, trapping both of your bodies in the coolness and your shared body heat warming the cocoon. Sean held your head to his chest, music still playing and his pulse against your fingertips as you tried to calm yourself by mumbling the words to the songs playing from your earbuds. Although you knew of the noise outside, you were unable to hear and see it and Sean's body was a cushion against the shaking walls whenever thunder splintered the sky.

You weren't sure when the storm passed or how long Sean kept you hidden from it. Occasionally he lifted the blanket to get cold air into the cocoon, and the few times he did so you hadn't seen any flashes of light against the wall behind him. Ultimately you were led to believe the storm had moved elsewhere, but Sean waited a bit longer before allowing you to take the earbuds out and for the blanket to sit below your chins. After closing the tabs on your phone and placing it on his bedside table, Sean smoothed back the curls on your forehead and gave you a shy, supportive smile. "I'm sorry for waking you up," you said miserably. Your nose was stuffy and your voice was weak, but Sean heard you over the gentle pitter patter of rain.

"You didn't. The thunder did, but I'm glad because I stopped you just in time," Sean replied. His eyes wandered over your stilled hands, and he took your fingers in his and rubbed heat into your cold fingertips. "Who knows what would've happened if you couldn't do it yourself," he continued. Although Sean was well aware you calmed your own anxiety attacks plenty of times, there were close calls and no need to try and get over things yourself. He was there for a reason and you both accepted that.

He kissed your forehead gently, lingering close to you so you could cuddle up against his chest. Sean tucked an arm under his head and used the other to pull you practically on top of him, finding comfort in feeling you breathe normally. He waited until your fingers let go of his shirt and your breaths became more languid before shutting his own eyes. The calm after the storm spent in his arms was a great solace you desired after every sudden whirlwind.

Thanks for readin <3

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