A Beast Inside My Head

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They're coming, creeping from the corner

And all I know is that I don't feel safe

I feel the tapping on my shoulder

I turn around in an alarming state

You're not sure exactly when it started: the paranoia, migraines, the fainting spells. Friends encouraged you to drink more water, your doctor prescribed medicines for an iron deficiency  to calm your nerves. Still, every morning you awoke feeling like someone was watching you. Sleeping was out of the question unless you hid under your blankets, pillows barricading you from the featherlight touches you felt on your shoulder. Something was wrong.

But am I loosing my mind?

I really think so

Not a creature in sight

Whether everything was your imagination or not you weren't entirely sure, but it was driving you insane. Taps on your shoulder and voices at the back of your mind had you jumping in fright, and every time you spun around to catch the culprit there was nothing. The static-like voice in your ear had no body. If you weren't crazy, what the hell kept trying to contact you?

But what you don't know is that

My breathing gets faster

And so does my heartbeat

I wish this was over

Irritated was an understatement, but Anti couldn't hold himself back. Whenever he spoke to you in whispers, he enjoyed the horrified look on your face as you analyzed your surroundings. He would flash away in an instant, nonexistent as you searched for him. Without fail, Anti could hear your beating heart hammering away in the darkness of your room, his touch frightening you immensely.

The voice grew louder every day, and you were starting to wish you could run away from it.

I wish that this was a dream but

I created a monster, a hell within my head

What you didn't know is when you wished for someone to love you, Anti had been near and was attracted to your aura. You had demons of your own, toys he could mess around with like a puppeteer. Anti was entertained by the thought of driving you insane; he wanted to see how far he could push you. He was completely aware of the how imprisoned you felt.

Your mind was driving you up a wall, and you were stuck in your bed trying to quiet the hell being raised within you.

Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own

Oh I'm so scared

I created a monster, a beast inside my brain

Anti revealed himself to you one night, choosing to stand at the end of your bed to gauge your reaction. He tugged on your foot, jerking you from the bed as you screamed in alarm. At first you thought he was an intruder, and when Anti put a finger to your lips to silence you, the only option you saw was to try and run.

He chased after you, shouting that he was the one who had been hiding in the shadows. After trapping you in the corner of your kitchen, Anti somehow calmed you down to explain how he was summoned to your side. Stricken with fear, you tried to wrap your mind around the fact that the demon had grown attached to you.

Nowhere to go, I'm not on my own

My mind impaired to wake me from my nightmare

You were no longer on your own. Anti's shadow followed you everywhere he went, his presence suffocating as you went about your daily routine. He acknowledged your boundaries now that he had your undivided attention, but his atmosphere lingered and kept you on edge.

Anti was your little secret, the skeleton in your closet no one could know about. You were refrained from everyday life, Anti voicing his opinions in the back of your mind a distraction from what you tried to do. No matter how many times you begged him to leave, Anti wanted to stay. He was a living nightmare, but this was something you weren't going to wake up from.

Thanks for readin <3

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