Surely Loved

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Clanging forks and loud chatter normally would have bothered you if it weren't for the fresh air in your lungs. It was the first tour you and Sean were going on together and one of the stops included a beautiful city in France. Before having to go to a convention later that night, Sean suggested you join him for lunch at a cafe you drove by on the way to your hotel. It didn't take much for your boyfriend to convince you to join him in a lovely cafe, and the two of you walked all the way hand in hand and enjoying the sunshine.

Your gaze wandered from visitor to visitor who enjoyed cups of coffee or plates of chocolate cake beneath large umbrellas as Sean spoke. "We could also visit the Eiffel Tower or maybe do some shopping. I saw a bookstore down the road earlier," he continued. Sean set his spoon down next to the chocolate mousse you ordered not too long ago. You tucked a curl of hair behind your ear and focused back on your smiling boyfriend. "You should eat the rest of..." Sean trailed off, his finger pointing at the dessert and his smile fading when you glared at him playfully. "Never mind," he chuckled.

The cause of your sudden irritation was in the surrounding crowd. You hadn't failed to notice how effortlessly beautiful everyone appeared and how different the women looked from your own body. Insecurities always plagued you and, no matter the length of time you attempted to have self-confidence, doubt crept back in. There were days in which you wanted to lay down in giant hoodies and avoid the outside world, but days where you could wear what you wanted and feel absolutely stunning. Your first outing in Paris had, apparently, triggered that sense of doubt that had yet to leave your conscience since adolescence.

"What's wrong?" Sean's voice infiltrated the daze you fell into while looking around at Parisian strangers. You raised your eyebrows in surprise as if Sean had just arrived and you were unaware of his presence. It was probably rude to completely focus on anyone other than your loyal boyfriend. He looked as confused as you, and his confusion only grew deeper as you leaned in to whisper to him. A gust of warm air had your hair falling from its low ponytail, but it hid your features from the crowd and you were thankful for the curtain blocking your face.

"Have you noticed how beautiful the people here are?"

"There are beautiful people everywhere, (Y/N)." Sean's response had him smiling at the ridiculousness of your observation. "And ugly people, and smart people, and even people who aren't people probably," he added. Sean tilted back to cross his arms as your head shook in defiance. He wasn't understanding the beginning of your thought process, which was alright considering you were only getting started with piecing together every observation. It just didn't seem fair that everyone around you and Sean were unpredictably attractive.

"No, I mean in this area specifically," you huffed. "All the girls here are a lot more...prettier than I am." You began to poke at the chocolate mousse you no longer had the appetite to continue eating. As insignificant your feelings were from having felt them constantly, the awkwardness was enough to make your eyes divert themselves from Sean's glare. A jazz band started to play from inside the cafe and normally would have distracted you if it weren't for the sudden grip on your wrist.

Sean's fingers were carefully around your own, pulling the negative thoughts away through simple contact and his following words. "You need to stop putting yourself down," he began, "because you are absolutely brilliant. The only times you don't look beautiful are when you doubt everything people love about you. I know it's difficult to believe that, but you're stunning inside and out and there is nothing you have to hide about yourself." His voice was low so others couldn't hear the private words Sean thought he would have no need to say.

Even before he approached you in a bookstore years back, Sean noticed the radiating beauty that came from your words and smile as you spoke to a friend working at a checkout counter. It pained him to know just how insecure you could become.

It was difficult to believe Sean even if you had been working so hard toward boosting your own confidence. Nevertheless, it helped to hear someone you loved so dearly express how he felt toward your outward beauty. "Thank you," is all you could say. Sean smiled at you supportingly before pushing the rest of the chocolate mousse in your direction. As you picked up the spoon, Sean leaned back and sipped at his coffee before averting his attention to a passing motorbike. You finished the dessert and enjoyed the taste and the fresh air and the man who sat across from you in Paris. There was still a long way to go for you to get over any insecurities, but you were you no matter how different.

Thanks so much for readin <33

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