You're Bleeding All Over My Carpet

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Warnings: Blood


The house you lived in with Anti was far too quiet, not that you were complaining. You constantly had to deal with his glitching screams and cries for attention whenever he wasn't off killing and pillaging. It's just residing in a hushed home all on your lonesome was a bit unnerving, especially when you had no idea where your boyfriend ran off to. He promised to leave a note whenever he was summoned to a soul collecting or whatever it was Anti did; you made him do so every single time. Waking up to no note, no text? It made you nervous, but you were going to enjoy the peace and quiet before calling up one of Anti's friends to bring him back home.

You kicked your feet up on the coffee table, cup of ramen noodles in hand as you scrolled through Anti's Netflix account. Why he only watched rom-com movies was beyond you; it wasn't like he could cry along with the main character like you sometimes did.

Ignoring that fact, you shoveled a forkful of noodles into your mouth after picking a tv show to catch up on, chewing when the familiar sound of scratching records filled the house. Anti was home. Your muscles relaxed and you immediately felt relieved, all anxiety that he had been killed (or in his case, deleted) casted away.

He appeared at the left and stood on the corner of your white carpet, dripping crimson from head to toe. You swallowed your noodles and set the cup down, eyes wide as Anti held his hands up in self-defense. "I can explain," he said. Anti watched, horrified, as you stood and pointed at his shoes with both hands to indicate just how pissed you were. "You're bleeding all over my carpet," you whined. At this Anti jumped back, his knife clattering to the wooden floor as you screamed in frustration and marched toward the kitchen. "Agh," you pointed to an area far from your white rug, "Anti, stay right there."

Anti waited patiently as you searched for a brown towel, hands clasped in front of him like an eager schoolboy as blood dripped from the edges of his green hair. The demon rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, head tilting back to watch you disappear down the hallway towards the bathroom. He licked his lips, tasting the familiar metallic flavor of his latest victim and smiling smugly before you walked into the room.

"Don't smile," you ordered. After tossing Anti the darkest towel you could find, he glitched to the bathroom and stood in the tub to wipe himself clean. You chose to not watch him bath in the blood of his victims, instead waiting in the living room and finishing off your noodles while the shower ran.

The amount of times you rolled your eyes that day was unbelievable.

Anti came shuffling into the living room, pants hanging loosely on his waist and shirtless as he rubbed a clean towel over his blood-free hair. He paused at the foot of the couch, waiting silently for you to acknowledge his presence. You ended up pausing the TV show you desperately wanted to finish, turning to face your idiotic boyfriend in all of his violent glory.

When his eyes fell to the puddle of blood staining your once bleach white carpet, Anti felt a wave of fear like no other. You crossed your arms in the way Anti once found adorable, but under the circumstances only terrified him as you glared with a gaze as cold as ice.

"If that stain isn't gone by the time my show ends, so help me God..." You trailed off, smiling triumphantly when Anti darted into the kitchen to gather cleaning supplies. As he scrubbed at the carpet you continued to eat your ramen, happy the house was quiet and in the end, smelled of lemons.

Thanks for readin! <3

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