Late Night Munchies

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If there was a safe haven for anyone with the late night munchies, it was your friendly neighborhood Taco Bell. The restaurant was open from the crack of dawn until four in the morning, the perfect window for broke college kids and teens parading about.

Now, in your case neither Sean nor you were in college or stoned, but you had been drinking quite a bit. Walking around town with drinks in hand, you and Jack had gotten together to drink away the stress of the week, respectfully. With Jack and his stress over upcoming conventions and video schedules, and you working as a secretary in a building of egotistical asshats, a beer or two was necessary at the end of a Friday night.

You invited Sean out as soon as you got off work, your boyfriend reluctantly agreeing before heading over to your place. It wasn't long until Netflix and takeout could no longer satisfy you, and at ten at night you two hit up a nearby bar and had a beer. You talked, laughed, and watched Family Guy from one of the TVs hoisted behind the counter. Around eleven, you and Sean decided to hit the road, walking to a nearby gas station to buy energy drinks to keep yourselves awake. Holding hands and skipping along, you came upon a Taco Bell and, after tossing away your energy drinks, decided to grab something to eat.

There was one other person sitting inside the building, so ordering two burritos and a box of nachos didn't take long. Sean picked a booth for you to sit in, him plopping down across from you and tossing a wad of napkins to the side. His face was flushed from having done a few too many shots and you figured you also didn't look your best, but neither of you cared.

You swiped a burrito from Sean's side of the table as he pulled the display of cheesy nachos towards him. Digging into your food, both of you made small talk between bites, filling the building with your laughter as two employees goofed off in the back.

After finishing your burrito, your sights were set on the nachos Sean kept to himself. You sipped your coke, swallowing the ice cold drink before reaching for the nachos you paid for. Sean pulled them away as soon as he saw you going for them, a cheeky smile on his face as he popped a nacho into his mouth. "Dude," you said in a deadpanned tone. Plucking yourself up from the booth you made another grab for the nachos, but Sean held them far from your reach and chuckled.

"Sean," you huffed, "Give me the fucking nachos."

Your boyfriend let out an amused laugh before tossing the nachos across the table, the box containing them splattering cheese into the air. Melted cheddar landed on your nose and Sean's cheek, and he only giggled harder as you huffed and grabbed a napkin. Wiping at your face, you grimaced at the feeling of oily cheese on your skin. "I'm glad you think it's so funny," you groaned sarcastically.

After biting into his burrito Sean said, "You know, you're a really angry drunk."

You picked up a nacho, dipping it into a pile of beef and waving it around as you spoke. "I'm not drunk," you replied. Sean rubbed off the cheese that had splattered onto his face with the back of his hand, pulling the cheese from it before tossing the blob onto the tabletop. He chuckled and you rolled your eyes, leaning an elbow on the table and resting your head into the palm of your hand. "You're such a five year old," you teased.

Sean ignored you as he chewed a mouthful of burrito, holding eye contact with you before opening his mouth and revealing mashed lettuce and beef. You flung a used napkin at him, laughing when he tossed it back at you in retaliation.

"Well, you're the one dating me."


You sat in silence for a while, Sean finishing off his burrito before gazing at the pile of nachos you were stuffing your face with. Sean's pout didn't go unnoticed, so you picked up a nacho and held it before Sean. He smiled widely before allowing you to feed him, and after he chewed you leaned over the table to kiss him, happy to have ended your week in a dingy restaurant with the man you loved.

Thanks for reading lads <33

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