Virus From A Virus

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What started off as allergies turned into a fever, and suddenly you were bedridden and clutching your stomach in pain. You somehow managed to contract the flu in the middle of summer, but Anti's constant presence dropped the temperature in your apartment to freezing cold and explained where it had come from. For this he felt terrible no matter how many times you reassured him it wasn't his fault, but Anti took it upon himself to nurse you back to health.

The glitching demon sauntered into your bedroom, tray of hot soup and crackers in his hands as he focused on not dropping it. He eventually made his way to your side of the bed, careful to set the food by your feet so he could feel your forehead with the back of his hand. You allowed this to happen despite the goosebumps that scattered along your arms. "How do you feel?" Anti asked once his hand fell back. He propped you up against the five pillows behind you, fluffing them as you leaned forward.

"Better than yesterday," you replied. Anti gently pushed you back once he was happy with how fluffy the pillows were, and returned his attention to the chicken noodle soup he made for you. After somehow finding a way to set the tray atop your blanket covered thighs, Anti opened the bottle of Aspirin that sat on the bedside table.

He placed two pills into the palm of your hand before glitching off to God knows where. You place the pills on your tongue as Anti returned with a glass of water, handing it to you to help wash them down. After thanking your boyfriend for being so kind, he placed the cup aside and flashed across the room to lay down next to you. He switched on the TV and set the remote on the wooden tray in your lap, watching as you blew on a spoonful of broth.

"I'm sorry for getting you sick," Anti apologized for the sixtieth time in the past forty-eight hours. You chewed on a spoonful of mushy carrots, rolling your eyes and sniffling miserably in response. The action made Anti feel even more guilty, and he rested his head against your left arm as if to display just how much he blamed himself.

You set your spoon down to run a hand through Anti's hair, a sign that you still loved him although he was the reason you couldn't breathe through your congested nostrils. Anti sighed before sitting up to take the spoon into his hands and scoop a bite into his own mouth. When you shot him a questioning glance he only shrugged and giggled, "I can't get sick." For that you slapped his shoulder playfully, coughing into your elbow as Anti struggled to keep the tray of food balanced on your legs. "Sorry!" He laughed before leaning against your mound of pillows and leaning his head back.

Another cough jumped from within your chest, and Anti scrunched up his face in a way that displayed his regret for sticking by your side so often. After shutting your eyes for a while, Anti smoothed back the hair on your forehead before placing a kiss on it. He poked your cheek to get your attention, and once your eyes focused on Anti he pointed to the bowl of soup. "Eat all of it, okay?" He said softly.

You groaned, not wanting to upset your already flipping stomach, but Anti wouldn't leave the room until you forced another bite into your mouth. Once you did so, he hummed approvingly and leaned against your shoulder to sit by your side. You sat silently and watched a rerun of some old TV show, the tray of food eventually chucked to the side and the blankets pulled up to your chin. Shivering from you got Anti's attention, and he wrapped his arms around you even though he was colder than before your health decided to jump off the face of the Earth.

Anti chuckled to himself, the action piquing your interest enough to have you shifting in the blankets to be face to face with him. "What?" You questioned, sounding as groggy as ever as you shut your eyes to rest them for a bit. Anti's hand trailed up and down your waist as he kissed your nose.

The room fell quiet as Anti wondered if he should crack a dad joke in the midst of your suffering, but decided that he didn't mind whatever would come from it. "The virus gave you a virus," he answered smugly. You wanted to roll your eyes, but the sudden wave of exhaustion taking over prevented you from doing so.

"I'm gonna hit you," you mumbled groggily. Anti only smiled, holding you closer as sleep took hold.

Thanks for readin <33

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