Who Are You To Say, That I Didn't Love You?

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Who are you to say, that I didn't love you?

'Cause I didn't love the way you wanted

And who am I to blame?

When I didn't trust you enough to let you in the way I wanted

Stop, okay

Anti always had conflicting thoughts on becoming committed to you. It wasn't in his nature to be tied down by one thing, let alone an actual human being. Anti was incapable of loving you the way you wanted, but he tried desperately to make up for his lack of emotions. He showered you in kisses and extravagant gifts, but was never there for you emotionally. This unavailability of moral support ultimately led to the end of a relationship Anti had no control over.

Vodka on my lips

Took too many drinks

Makes me reminisce all the way down

To my happy place, you're my happy place

I can't handle us now

Comforted by the bitter taste of alcohol, Anti stumbled to your house and knocked on the door. Standing on the porch left him remembering the first few dates where he would escort you to a fancy restaurant or take you on a routine soul collecting. Anti was happy to have found someone so accepting of the darkness he was born in, and the fact that you didn't mind his evil ways left Anti a joyous ball of hope. Yet eventually the light faded, casting Anti in the cold shadow he had been in before you. He could hardly handle the sight of you, but there he was at your front door.

If I'm lucky I'll meet ya, flipside of the graveyard

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday

If I'm lucky, I'll meet ya, heaven or high water

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but maybe

If I'm lucky, eh

If I'm lucky, eh

I'll get your lovin' (yeah)

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday

He left before you could answer. Given it was almost four in the morning, Anti figured you wouldn't be awake to listen to his drunken ramblings. He headed home, passing by the graveyard and silently hoping that maybe in another life you would meet again. The possibility of Anti coming back as a human with emotions he could understand made him hopeful. Regardless of the next life, Anti was sure that even if things didn't work out in this lifetime, surely in the next things would end up differently. If Anti was lucky, he would have you fall in love with him all over again.

Who am I to say, that it wasn't good, babe?

Just thinkin' 'bout our loving gives me chills up and down my spine

I dare you not to miss me

'Cause what we had was more than just a (thrill)

Stop, okay

Anti woke up, a pounding headache pulsating in his brain that could be fixed if he would just stop thinking about you. It wasn't him who ended the relationship - it was your need to feel loved. Anti didn't understand how your mind worked, but thinking of all the amazing moments he shared with you sent a shiver down his spine. What you two shared was too delicate and far too rare to be put into words. Nostalgia begged him to go back, to ask for forgiveness, but he couldn't stand being seen as the weakest partner.

Vodka on my lips

Took too many drinks

Makes me reminisce all the way down

To my happy place, you're my happy place

I can't handle us now

The demon stuck to the shadows at night, hunting for easy targets to divert his attention from the thought of you. His knife plunged into the guts of petty criminals, all the while the thought of your first kill raging through his mind. It was with you that Anti allowed anyone other than himself to murder with his weapon; that was how much he trusted you. Together you were Bonnie and Clyde, ravenous lovers until your self-inflicted demise. Now you were a burn scar too tender to treat, and Anti was in desperate need of a distraction.

If I'm lucky I'll meet ya, flipside of the graveyard

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday

If I'm lucky, I'll meet ya, heaven or high water

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but maybe

If I'm lucky (eh)

If I'm lucky (if I'm lucky, eh)

I'll get your lovin' (yeah)

Miss when you say (yeah)

I really miss it babe

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday...

He walked past the graveyard once again, intending to stick around and look for a familiar face. Eyes downcast, Anti shamefully knocked on your front door for the second time in forty-eight hours. As he waited patiently for you to answer, he hoped that in the next life he wouldn't have to knock on the door to the house you once shared. He prayed that in the next life, the only choice Anti would have to make was whether or not to admit how much he loved you.

Thanks fore readin lads <3

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