You have Something On Your Face

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Being best friends with Jacksepticeye wasn't always easy. Hanging out with him was difficult because he was busy with YouTube and the daily ups and downs of life. Not once had you held Sean's career against your friendship, and as time went on you slowly accepted that being away from Sean for certain periods of time was a good thing. Your way of thinking became more relevant with each passing day when your mind tripped over itself, stirring up emotions you locked away in the void. It was a stupid cliche, you being in love with your best friend, but it was your reality.

Fridays were scheduled as yours and Sean's bonding days. When both of you were free, the other would hang out at the other's residence to catch up on past events and binge watch TV shows. After five hours of Supernatural it was obvious that Sean would be staying the night, so you built a sad excuse of a blanket fort and sat in it. Hot cocoa in hand, you listened intently as Sean talked about how he planned on uploading drum covers onto his channel.

You admired how passionate Sean was about music and the new drum kit he built a few days before. He paused to sip at his hot chocolate, and you fought the urge to giggle when a drop of whipped cream stuck to his moustache. Sean, aware of your shift in focus, looked at you curiously as he wondered if he said something particularly amusing.

"What?" Sean asked, his voice high pitched as he wiped a hand across his cheek. "You have something on your face," you replied. The smile on your lips grew wider as Sean set his mug down beside him and balanced it on a mound of pillows before turning to you and sighing. "It's not a bug, is it?" His eyes grew wide at the thought of a spider falling onto his forehead, and you shook your head to ease his concern. You placed your cup against Sean's and scooted towards him, careful not to knock the mugs of hot cocoa over. Reaching out a hand towards your best friend (and crush), you mumbled out a hushed, "Hold still."

Sean froze as your thumb swiped across his top lip, touch featherlight as if you would annoy him if you used too much force. He watched as you smiled sleepily, time having caught up with your body and the sugar high from the hot chocolate crashing. Sean's shoulders relaxed when you dropped your hand, still positioned closely in front of him as you blinked. Your eyes met, and Sean tilted his head as he wracked his brain on how to respond to the circumstances.

With your oversized sweater and cloud printed shorts, Sean had to admit you looked absolutely adorable. The only light being emitted came from a lamp outside of the tent, and the dark of the blanket fort eased Sean's uneasiness and made him feel protected. Your knees touched each other's, Sean's hand dangerously close to your thigh as he pondered over the close proximity. Evidently, the love in your eyes went unnoticed as you realized how close you were to your best friend.

You didn't know how long you and Sean were gazing at each other. There was no air in the blanket fort; all of the oxygen had been sucked out as your body switched into fight or flight mode. You only felt so much adrenaline coursing through your veins when you missed a bottom step, drove over a hill, or observed Sean the way he was now gaping at you.

"God," Sean finally sighed, "You're so beautiful."

You blinked, eyelashes fluttering as your head drew back instinctively. The compliment was like a punch to the stomach, and you weren't sure if you stopped breathing once you heard Sean speak his mind. What he said was flattering nonetheless and you thanked him timidly, bowing your head to keep Sean from seeing your pink dusted cheeks. From your peripheral vision you caught Sean shaking his head, glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. "I mean it," he said.

You opened your mouth to thank him, too frazzled to come up with a proper sentence. Sean, abruptly engulfed in confidence, tilted your head up with his index finger before letting go, not wanting to overwhelm you with an overabundance of displays of affection. Whatever was playing out as Sean glimpsed at your lips had your mind spiralling into thoughts of panic, but you found yourself leaning forward regardless of how frightened you truly were.

Sean hesitated before kissing you back, unsure if you really wanted what he did. Sean's dwindling confidence returned when you brought one hand up to hold his face, and he promptly did the same.

After years of chasing after the shadow of a man you had no intention of falling for, all it took was a pitiful fort and a few seconds of insane courage.

Thanks for readin <3

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