Embraced Exhaustion

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You woke up startled and surrounded by nothing but darkness, throat burning like a hot poker had been slipped down it. Ice picked at your skin, and it was then you realized someone was laughing at you. The sound echoed, bouncing off the walls you couldn't see but knew encased you in the black space. You turned, able to stand and walk but not hear the sound of Sean's snoring. After messing around on your phone for a while you eventually joined your boyfriend and embraced exhaustion, only to wake in the void that had you screaming for help.

"(Y/N)," a voice called. You spun on your heel, eyes straining to see through the void that kept you in place. There was a sharp edge to whoever had called your name, tone full of spite that shook you to the core. A harsh hand landed on your shoulder, making you jump and turn to face whoever locked you away in the darkness.

The sight of Anti's dark eyes met your gaze, a sharp pain in your abdomen leaving you falling to your knees. Anti's laughter filled your ears tauntingly as you held your hands to the knife in your gut, blood gushing out like a waterfall. Tears filled your eyes as sizzling pain shot throughout your body, Anti slowly squatting down and tilting his head mockingly. "Oops," he giggled.

Mouth agape in horror, you fell onto your side and gasped in pain as blood poured from the wound without any sign of stopping. Anti's knife was still plunged deep within your abdomen, and he stood to back up and leave you crumpled in what you had assumed to be his world. Anti walked backwards, his head glitching back and forth before he vanished into thin air. You wanted to leave, wanted to scream for Sean to wake and hold you in his arms.

Your eyes snapped open and you were met with the ceiling of Sean's bedroom, the wound in your stomach still leaking crimson. Confused, you cried out for your boyfriend, hot tears slipping down your cheeks as Sean slowly stirred awake. "Baby?" He groaned, rolling over sleepily and rubbing the crust from his eyes as you gasped in pain. Once Sean's eyes fell on the blood soaked sheets and your blue lips, his face twisted into an expression of absolute horror as he shot up and pulled you into his arms. "(Y/N)? Oh God, what happened, baby?" Sean cried, his eyes shooting up to look around the room in an attempt to find whoever had injured you.

"An-Anti," you managed. Sean pushed your hands aside to apply pressure on your abdomen, apologizing profusely for what his dark ego had done. He didn't know what to do first: call for an ambulance or help you then and there.

Sean picked you up to carry you into the bathroom, the action sending pins and needles into your gut. You realized the knife was gone, adding to the problem of bleeding out onto the tile of the bathroom. Sean placed you down gently, pressing a towel to your stomach before rushing off and returning with a cellphone wedged between his shoulder and ear. Your back arched, the blood finally stopping but having lost so much left you weak. Sean knelt by your side, setting his phone down once 911 confirmed the address to hold you close.

Coughing up blood, you started to cry as your hearing went in and out, Sean weeping above you as he apologized for not helping you sooner. You tried so hard to reassure Sean that what happened wasn't his fault, but your mouth was dry and it was becoming painful to breathe. Instead, you reached a weak hand up in a silent way of telling Sean it would be alright, and he took your hand in his and sniffled. His eyes were red, tears falling as he spoke words you couldn't hear.

Your eyelids grew heavy, heartbeat slow in the cavern of your chest, and you could no longer feel the pain Anti's knife caused. Terrified was an understatement, and you could feel your body shaking in fear as Sean's mouth shut and he studied you frantically. Your eyes were beginning to droop, and through the ringing in your ears you could barely hear Sean screaming how much he loved you, how badly he needed you to keep breathing.

But you were tired of fighting.

Sean watched helplessly as you took one last breath, unable to tell him how much you loved him before your eyes closed. Your grip on his hand loosened, and Sean held it tight as if doing so would bring you back. He let out a bloodcurdling scream of agony, the sound blending in with the ambulance that arrived shortly after you died in the arms of the man who couldn't protect you.


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