Trial And Error

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For months you and Sean had been trying, but there were so many failures that you almost gave up on the idea of becoming pregnant. After getting married, being supportive of each other, and being stable both financially and mentally, you figured it was time. Sean and you spent night after night scrounging up baby names and who you would tell first.

The only trouble was getting you pregnant. The first attempt was a fluke, and neither you nor Sean were worried considering it was the first try.

The second wound up unsuccessful as well, while the third time the pregnancy test claimed positive and turned negative an hour later. You and Sean ultimately scheduled an appointment with your respective doctors to see if there was anything wrong with either or both of you, but the tests came back negative. Both of you were capable of having children, but every attempt resulted in failures and you were getting more and more discouraged.

It all seemed a bit ridiculous and outstretched considering the amount of no's that occurred. You considered giving in and adopting, but clung on to the notion of your own flesh and blood and having the experience of creating life from within you. Adoption was a serious option, but fate decided to turn a sharp corner. After months of false tests and promising each other you would get pregnant, you finally had.

A week passed before you were entirely set on accepting your being pregnant. There were moments in the past where a false test had become your reality, and fear crept into your mind every time you remembered your most recent test. After taking another and finding it positive, you were sure fifth time's the charm was enough to conclude that you were finally pregnant. You would have scheduled a doctor's appointment, but there was no telling how long it would take. Both you and Sean were in L.A. for three weeks, and you wanted to tell your friends in the states in person and as soon as possible. The confirmation led you to embrace the hope that your pregnancy would stick.

You told Amy first, figuring your family would know when they visited yours and Sean's home whenever you returned home the following week. Because Amy was your best friend, you had invited her over while Sean was with Mark on the rare occasion that you both were in town. It was her idea to tell Sean the moment he came home, and waiting around for him made you even more nervous. You weren't sure whether or not to do a cliche announcement, to put the test in a gift box, etc. By the time Sean returned home, you had driven yourself mad with so many ideas that the result was the same Amy suggested: out right with it.

Sean shut the door behind himself and joined you in the kitchen. It might have been your anticipation of being pregnant, but you were already craving an oddity of snacks. Sean gave you a questioning glance as you scooped a spoonful of chocolate icing onto a potato chip. You thought the stress of having to tell Sean in a perfect way was what had you eating odd combinations, but Sean only laughed. "You having fun?" He asked before kissing your cheek. After returning Sean's greeting with a tight lipped smile, you watched as he shuffled toward the front door to place his keys onto a hook on the wall.

"Hey, babe?" Your voice was quiet as you put the cap on the chocolate icing. Sean, having turned around after kicking his shoes off, hummed in response while you approached him. "I'm not sure how to say this, but I was going to make a big deal out of it. Then I thought maybe we deserve to just come out with this big of a thing," you trailed. With every step you took toward Sean, a growing look of concern washed over his face until he was close enough to touch your hand. With a pounding heart you waited until Sean showed a sign of readiness, and he smiled and shook his head as if urging you to continue.

"I'm pregnant," you finally said.

A silence fell over the world. Even the honking of cars seemed to stop as Sean's eyes drifted down to your stomach. His fingers brushed against the material of your shirt before he looked back up at you, tears in his eyes at your words. With a nod of confirmation, you beamed happily before Sean's knees bent and he fell to the carpeted floor with happiness. Sean's arms wrapped around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your stomach, your own hands going to curl your fingers through his curls. "We've been trying for so long," Sean cried out, "and I was starting to feel scared for you. For us," he continued.

Whatever mix of guilt and happiness and pride swelled within your chest. Guilt for Sean's emotions having sent him to the ground; happiness that your news was wanted; pride that you and Sean were finally starting a family you both so desperately tried for. "It's real. I'm going to be a mom and you're going to be a dad." You spoke with clear words and teary eyes all while looking down at Sean, who hadn't bothered to pick himself up as he grinned. Sean pressed another kiss to your belly before you held onto his bicep, urging him to stand so he could hug you properly.

Through your struggles you and Sean had friends and family. It took many attempts and your hearts were broken at every failed effort, but you stuck through and kept hold of a bit of faith. You dreamed together and kept trying, clinging to a ghost of happiness that could have been resolved with adoption. Still, it was comforting knowing you could have the experience of raising your own creation: a physical combination of both you and your husband. Although it took many trials and errors, you and Sean were on the path of creating a content and loving family.

Thanks for readin! <33

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