You're Not Dreaming, I'm Real

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SAD (slightly)

An unmeasurable amount of time had passed since Sean left for a small convention on the outskirts of town. You didn't know when he would be returning, where he was staying, or if he was actually doing what he said he would be doing. It wasn't that you didn't trust him; you had faith that Sean would never be a cheater. Your self esteem was to blame for the second thoughts you had. For days you shuffled about the house, blanket wrapped around your shoulders and Sean's t-shirt slipped past your thighs.

The house was cold, devoid of the energy Sean's presence radiated. Warm cup of tea in hand, you shimmied into your shared bedroom and laid on your back, sipping your tea before setting it on the table beside you. Turning over, you pulled your knees to your chest and tightened your grip on the fuzzy blanket Sean bought you last Christmas. You sprayed it with his cologne after he left for his trip, holding on to something that belonged to him to keep you from missing him even more.

It wasn't like Sean's job became a burden to you. What he did was admirable and you didn't hold it against him, but the amount of times he left you for business carved an empty hole inside of you. The current situation would never amount to the sorrow that encased you when Sean was off on tours, but the loneliness never faltered no matter how long he was gone for. What kept you waiting was the intense wave of relief when he returned to you.

Abandonment had always been your biggest fear. Having a boyfriend whose job often required him to leave home might not have been your best choice, but he always came back for you. Nothing would change that, but the nagging voice at the back of your mind mocked you for thinking the way you did.

"He's gone for sure," it whispered.

"Sean isn't coming back."

Every time the thoughts reappeared, the strength within you had dwindled until you could no longer fight them. The voice would scream and ridicule, and you shut your eyes to drift into a peaceful sleep, something to hide away in for a little while until Sean walked through the front door. Squeezing your eyes shut, you allowed the darkness to reel you in and provide a moment of bliss.

The sound of a door shutting alarmed you, eyes opening widely as you sat up. The room was dark, curtains open to reveal the veil of nighttime that cascaded over the town. It was noon when you fell asleep; there was no way you napped for so long. Confused, you pushed the blanket off of you and reached for the lamp on your bedside table, pulling the metallic chain and blinking when a dull yellow light filled the room. You watched the door carefully, fearing you were aware of the nightmare playing in your subconscious.

Sean slowly opened the door, peering his head in to see if you were sleeping. He smiled fondly, walking towards you and sitting on the edge of the bed. You watched in awe as he took your hand in his, fingers grasping onto yours as you peered into Sean's eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" You asked, voice hushed like it would keep you from waking up.

Sean shook his head, green hair falling over one of his eyes as you reached a hand out to bring his face to yours in a chaste kiss. He smelled of coffee and rain, the scent imprinted onto the shirt you had stolen and worn for the day. Sean smiled, breaking the kiss as you leaned your head into the crook of his neck.

"You're not dreaming," he whispered, "I'm real."

And then you woke up from the illusion that Sean had come back for you, cold and alone, painfully aware of the man who left you two months ago.

Thanks for readin <3

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