I Need You To Be My Girlfriend For, Like, Five Minutes

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Being in Sean's shadow came as no surprise. As his close friend you expected nothing but being pushed aside for his career, but that hadn't stopped you from hanging out whenever you could. Currently you sat at a small table in the corner of a Starbucks, Sean picking up your drinks from the counter while you scrolled through your phone.

The sound of soft piano music played, teenagers laughing and college students typing away on laptops filling your ears. You and Sean often spent your Saturday mornings tucked away in coffee shops and libraries, enjoying the quiet moment you shared in your lives.

A cardboard cup was placed before you, Sean's hand reaching out to tuck a green straw through the lid. You thanked him as he sat down, leather jacket creaking as he brought his coffee to his lips. Chunking your phone to the side, you sipped at your freshly brewed drink as Sean looked around. You knew he did this in case he saw any fans, always eager to sign an autograph and take a picture. Smiling teasingly you asked Sean what stardom felt like.

"Oh, shut up," he laughed.

Sean watched as you picked your phone up to answer a text, whipped cream on your lip as you read over whatever someone sent. Your tongue licked off the spot of cream and you bit your bottom lip, a habit Sean realized you did whenever you focused intently on a task. He thought back to the first time he noticed you do it, concluding that it was when you first spent the night at his house and helped him decide what game to play. He chuckled to himself when he remembered the time he went grocery shopping with you, the habit reappearing as you stood on your tip toes to grab a box of ramen.

It was little things like that, or a smile and word of encouragement, that had Sean wanting to be around you all the time.

After typing a response to your concerned mother, you looked back to your friend and caught him staring at you. A wide smile grew on your face, eyes following Sean's movements as he looked behind you to avoid the awkward eye contact and gasped. Frightened, you turned to look behind you but had been quickly stopped by Sean's hand on yours. "I need you to not do that," he whispered. Your eyes fell on his hand, watching as Sean retracted his fingers and returned his gaze to your startled face.

"Dude, what?" You demanded to know what got Sean so riled up; it was obvious he had been struck by anxiety.

Sighing, Sean put a hand against his forehead to shield his face from whomever it was he was trying to hide from. "I need you to be my girlfriend for, like, five minutes," he mumbled. Confused as to why your heart fell into your stomach, you shook your head to convey the utter cluelessness that washed over you. Sean's eyes met yours in the most intense look you had ever received, his face gone blank with dread. "My ex just walked in with a hot guy. Please help me out." Sean chuckled towards the end at how ridiculous he was behaving, but you agreed nonetheless.

Leaning forward, you could smell the combination of milk and sugar wafting up from Sean's coffee, his hand shielding your view of whichever ex had just walked through the back door. "What are we gonna do?" You asked quietly, tilting your head back to catch a glimpse of a young woman and blonde man. The girl who sat a few tables behind you wore black jeans and a white shirt, but her dark hair and eyes made you a tad bit jealous. If she was Sean's ex then you didn't stand a chance with him.

Sean, unfazed by your sudden change in demeanor, took your hand in his and lowered the one he used as a shield. "Just act natural," he suggested. Narrowing your eyes at him, you chuckled as if he said the most ridiculous thing. "Sean, how can we act natural if we're not dating?" You replied, eyes rolling as you laced your fingers with Sean's instinctively, the action going against the argument you had just forwarded. Sean ignored you, eyes switching from his ex to your locked hands. His shoulders relaxed, a smile forming on his lips that had you feeling a bit unsettled.


Sean shook his head at your worried expression, and he let his hand slip away from yours. The action left you feeling cold and unwanted, whatever gratitude you felt from pretending to be Sean's girlfriend now gone. Your best friend leaned back in his chair and confessed that the girl wasn't his ex, but a lookalike who scared the crap out of him. At this you huffed and stared daggers into Sean's face. He feigned innocence, ignoring the intense urge to take your hand in his once again as you finished the rest of your get together in mild awkwardness.

Twenty minutes later and Sean and you were walking down the sidewalk, cars that passed sweeping cold wind into your faces. Sean had, at some point, wrapped an arm around your shoulders to keep you warm, hands in the front pouch of your black hoodie as you reveled in the comfort Sean offered. Your footsteps fell in sync, both too focused on thinking over the past thirty minutes to realize how close to home you were. Relief washed over you when Sean dismissed the girl as a lookalike, and your brain eventually fell on one detail it couldn't overlook.

"Am I your type?"

You didn't mean to ask the question so boldly, but the eagerness to find out must have overwhelmed your common sense. Sean wasn't taken aback, your friendship too strong to not be close-minded to such questions, but you did feel his grip on your shoulder tighten anxiously. "I mean," Sean stopped himself.

Glancing up at your best friend, you found his eyes had been watching his feet as they carried him down the sidewalk. Discussing the possibilities of a romantic relationship in public wasn't the best place for it to occur, but Sean asked you more pressing questions before. Why couldn't he answer yours so quickly?

"Of course you are, (Y/N)," he looked at you. A reassuring smile from you had Sean's neck burning in embarrassment as he continued. "You're kind, funny, and absolutely stunning, but you know..." Sean trailed, his voice shrinking along with his confidence. You side eyed him, attentive on not falling over your own two feet as Sean dropped his arm from around your shoulders. Both your heads were bowed in awkward tension, paces slowing as the conversation delved deeper than you originally intended it to. "Why do you ask?" Sean inquired.

Shrugging, your hands fell from the pocket of your hoodie so you could gesture between you and Sean. "I just don't know if we would make a good couple," you confessed. Sean's head turned to catch your eye, full offense evident as his eyebrows drew together in confusion. You blinked, gaze shifting to watch as your fingers nervously picked at each other. "It's nothing against you, but," you huffed, "You're this big YouTube personality while I've got nothing to show for myself."

Sean's scoff took you by surprise, but you walked side by side regardless of the change in atmosphere. "You think I care about how famous you are?" Sean asked rhetorically, a small laugh caught in his throat as you smiled timidly.

"I guess not," you replied.

A moment of silence fell between you two, shadows dancing as the sun set behind your bodies. An orange glow framed your figures, the outline of Sean's hand reaching for yours leaving your heart stopping. His fingers grasped at yours, and you allowed him to hold your hand as you continued walking home.

Despite the cold air encasing you, the warmth of Sean's hand and the red blush creeping up your cheeks left you feeling safe and comfortable.

Thanks for reading <333

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