Don't Be Shy

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The last day of PAX finally arrived, and the tickets you had been saving up all year long for paid off. After packing up a suitcase and heading a few miles west, you stayed in a motel while getting things situated. The line to the event was insanely long, and standing outside in a black skirt and cardigan wasn't exactly how you wanted to spend the morning.

Disregarding the cons of your visit, you were going to meet Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and a few other YouTubers you subscribed to a few years back. As you stood waiting in line, the nagging feeling that you were being watched picked at the back of your mind.

Meanwhile, as Sean was driven by the front of the building PAX was being held at, his eyes fell on a short young woman patiently waiting. The wind blew, ruffling her hair as she looked up to avoid getting strays in her line of sight. Sean smiled, admiring the gracefulness of the girl, before returning his attention to the phone in his hand.

Hours later the line moved and you were allowed inside, curiosity getting the better of you as you waited for Sean's meet and greet to begin. You were admittedly disappointed for missing the panel, but at least you could get a signature and maybe even a hug. Choosing to ride out the guilt of missing the panel, you walked around a bit and met online friends, took pictures, got a few autographs and hugs.

Meanwhile, a short distance from your wandering self stood Sean. A crowd already formed around him, security lined behind ropes that kept the fans from running up in one huge wave. Sean scanned the crowd, smiling and waving a few times before he caught sight of the same girl from before: you.

Overhead you could hear an announcement being made. Jacksepticeye's meet and greet had just begun, and you quickly shuffled your way through the crowd to get to the back of the hour long line. You mumbled apologies as strangers bumped into you, too focused on keeping the journal full of signatures firmly in your grasp. In it contained Polaroid pictures of you and friends, a few YouTubers you met that day, and other memorable moments you recorded from your life. The journal was how you chose to express yourself, and you'd be damned if you lost it at PAX.

"Next," the guard next to you called. After waiting in line for a lifetime and scrolling through Tumblr, you hadn't realized just how much the line lurched forward. You walked across the carpet, using your hair to shield your eyes from the crowd of people watching you approach Sean. He held his arms wide, a smile on his face as he beamed and shouted over the ruckus of the crowd: "Come hug me! Don't be shy." Sean embraced you in a hug you felt joyously content reciprocating. You made small talk, asking each other how their day went and little questions about their travels.

Sean smiled as you told him how much his videos helped you through many difficult times. He wanted to voice how he noticed you walking about all day, but time was up and already a security guard was ushering you away. Quickly, Sean signed a blank page in your journal and took a picture of himself with one arm around your shoulders with the Polaroid in your bag. After one more brisk hug, you said goodbye to Sean and sighed sadly as you walked away. It had been the best five minutes of your life. Behind you, the sound of squealing girls and cheering people rang in your ears, and you decided it was probably best to leave.

Because your hotel was within walking distance of the venue, you stopped at a nearby Starbucks to prolong the experience. After ordering a tall (drink name), you picked a table in the corner to sit at and go through your journal. Sipping at your drink, you flipped through a few pages before landing on a clean page, deciding then to waste a bit more time to write down the events of the day. You wrote so vividly of PAX and meeting Mark and Felix, chatting with cosplayers and fellow fan girls, and of course you wrote about the moment you met Sean. By the end of it all your hand was cramping and your drink was empty, the sun setting just over the buildings across the street and casting an orange glow into the coffee shop. Up ahead the bell rang, someone new entering the Starbucks you resided in as you packed your bag and answered a text from your best friend.

Sean glanced around after ordering, his eyes searching for a place to sit in the packed café before he discovered you. The cardigan you wore earlier was sprawled lazily on the table, exposing your floral printed top and making you appear ten times as carefree. Once his coffee was in hand Sean hesitantly approached you, too curious about how your day went as he devised a plan to catch your attention.

"Hey, I saw you at PAX," he said. You looked up at him quickly, surprised Sean was even outside the venue let alone talking to you. Heat rushed up the back of your neck as you shoved your journal to the side. "You remember me?" You asked, voice low as you stared up at Sean in awe. He looked ethereal in his leather jacket and glasses, and the vibe of the dimly lit café only made your anxiety rise even more.

"Of course I remember you," Sean chuckled. You returned the smile, and an awkward silence fell between you two. "Um," you mumbled, "Do you want to sit down?" You gestured to the chair across the table, and Sean thanked you happily before plunking into the wooden chair. "So," Sean sipped at his coffee, "Did you enjoy the panel?"

You didn't believe this was happening. Jacksepticeye was conversing with you in a coffee shop as if you were old college friends. If you weren't happy before you were definitely ecstatic now.

"I actually missed the panel," you confessed. Sean frowned, empathetic since he recalled you mentioning how long you had waited to meet him. "But I still got to see you so it's okay," you continued. After taking one final drink from your previous order, you checked the time on your phone and sighed, not wanting to have to end the conversation so soon. Cheeks tinted pink from nervousness, you stood and gathered your cardigan with a huff. "I have to go, but it was really nice seeing you again."

And then you were gone.

Sean turned in his seat to watch you rush out of the coffee shop, wind twisting your skirt about as you walked down the sidewalk. Sighing in defeat, Sean faced the spot you once occupied and his eyes landed on the journal he had seen you writing in. Oh crap, he thought. Picking up the notebook, Sean dumped his half empty coffee in the nearest trash bin before following your path, feet practically skipping across the street you crossed.

"Hey!" Sean called, and he felt a wave of relief wash over him when you stopped and turned. Eyes wide, you stood before Sean and thanked him before shoving the journal you had forgotten into the depths of your shoulder bag. "I'm so sorry you had to chase me down."

Sean waved a hand dismissively, not bothering to reply as he noticed you shiver. "Are you cold?" He wondered. Even with your cardigan draped over your shoulders, where you stood on the sidewalk of a four-way street left you unprotected by buildings that maneuvered a chilling wind from hitting your bare skin. You shook your head, pretending not to be bothered as you begged your mind to let you speak.

Sean took it upon himself to shrug off his jacket, slowly placing it over your shoulders and hoping that the kind gesture wouldn't come off as creepy. He smiled, admiring the way you bowed your head as your cheeks dusted pink for the millionth time since meeting Sean. You desperately wanted to turn off the burning of your ears, but Sean's chuckle caused your eyes to look up at the man you adored for so many years through a phone screen.

"You're cute when you blush."

Thanks for readin lads!! <33

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