Chapter 1: New Student

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The teacher announced that we were having a new student today. I didn't think much of it until she announced that the student was from the reform program.


I had heard of the new reform program. It was put in place after WWII to reform the students whose parents might have taught them how to act out.As I know of this should be the last student.


I was out of that place quick. hat reform place was nuts and I needed to get out. I knew who the reformed country was, I'm just surprised he wasn't the first one out. But I suppose with a father that horrible, they might keep you in longer. Probably why he was the only student left when i went to the normal school.


he country walk in and i froze. It was Germany, but it didn't really feel like it was Germany. He had a tri colored flag and wore a serious expression covered by a pair of glasses. He had on a white cuffed shirt, a tie, black pants with some nice looking shoes. He looked so much more different than the past Germany's. he teacher went on and kept talking then let Germany say a few words.

"My sincerest apologies to anyone my father may have caused harm to." There was quite for a second. This has to be some sort of german trick. 


The teacher assigned Germany to sit next to me, which i didn't mind, we were the last two people to get out of that school after all. 

"Nice to see you get out of that hellhole comrade."

"sure." The rest of class we were both just quiet. Germany was really focused on his work. Everyone else who came out of the school with their own unique personality. But did something happen to him there , that changed him from that timid kid at the start of the school year?


Class ended and I went over to talk to Germany, who was busy organising his papers.

"What's  up new kid?" The looked up and examined me.  

"You're America, right?" He looked down and continued organizing his papers. he spoke in a low serious voice, that was a little discomforting. 

"Yup thats me!" I said and smiled. He just continued organizing papers. "Ok then it was nice meeting you." I quickly left the room only to be questioned by Poland.


"So what was he like?"

"A bit scary."

"I knew It!"

"Not scary in the way you would think though."

"I still don't trust him, this is all just a cover for his real plan." 

"Whatever you say Poland."  We part ways to our next class and see that Germany is already there. I'm usually the first one to class but I guess I got a little caught up. his could be my chance to see what he's really up to. I hesitantly walk over and sit next to him. He looks up for a second to look at me then continues working on some homework.

"You know it's called homework for a reason." he keeps working.

"I prefer to study at home." I flap my wings nervously. America was right, this dude is a bit scary.

"Well I'm Poland."

"I know." I look at him confused. He looks at me then back at his papers. "You lived in my basement of course I remember you." Oh right.

"Let's not talk about that."

"Agreed" I noticed when he was talking that he had some sharper teeth like his father, but they seemed to be dulled down, a lot. Russia has the same thing but his weren't as dull as Germany's. "Why are you even talking to me?" I jump a bit surprised. 


"After what happened I would think you would want to stay s far away from me as possible." He seemed so unfazed by this conversation. But he was right, I only did this to find out his real motive. I still don't trust him. He passes me a note sealed in an envelope. I just stare at it for a second.

"What is this?" 

"An apology."

"You just happen to have a written apology on you." He looks at me like I'm stupid. 

"Don't think your so special, I have more to hand out today."I glance over at his bag next to his desk and see a neat little stack of letters. 

"That sure is alot of letters."

"Mhm" The rest of class was quiet. When I finally ended a quickly got out of there.


I don't know why I was staring. He was just doing his work, but I was still suspicious.He was definitely up to something. He was too quiet for a German.

"What cha looking at?" I jump out of my stare and quickly turn to America.


"You got a crush or something?" He says and smirks.

"What?!?! No! I'm just making sure he doesn't do anything evil!"

"You're cool with Russia, what's different about this kid?" I narrow my eyes at his ignorance.

"First of all your one to talk because I may be cool with Russia but you aren't. And secondly He has a bloodline of evil. Not to mention how many times I was in the middle of that evil!"


I overhear a conversation between Poland and America. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but they were really loud. I hear something about a bloodline and evil, so can assume it's about one of the reform students. I look up from my work for a second and see Poland looking at me angrily. He looks startled then turns back around. I just continue to finish the work from this morning.

"Mind if I sit here?" I look up and see russia holding a lunch tray. I just nod and stare back down at my papers. "don't mind that table over there, they don't really trust us."


"Yeah but gets on your nerves sometimes."

"I'm used to it." here was silence. I could tell Russia was a bit uncomfortable. We used to hang out alot during the begging of the war when our dads would meet up. After my dad betrayed his though i didn't see him again until one day he showed up at the reform school. I finish up the last of my homework and place it neatly into my bag.

"Done already." I nod and pull the apple that I got for lunch this morning. I take a bite and stare off into nothing, something I was used to. I completely forgot that Russia was sitting with me. "You ok?" This snaps me out of my daze and look over at Russia who looks a bit worried.

"Oh yeah, forgot you were here."
"Wow rude much?" He says in a sarcastic tone.
"Sorry." We stay quiet for the rest of the lunch. I finished my apple got up and walked to my next class. To my suprise. Two students where already there. 

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