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im srry to the innocent and holy children

Heejin watched as Donghyuck hovered above her, eyes dark. He didn't seem angry. His eyes were filled with lust.

Heejin waited and waited for Donghyuck to capture her lips in his. She waited patiently. When it happened, she took in every taste she could get from his hungry mouth. Hungry for her.

Their tongues fought back and forth. It was exciting. Heejin had never experienced such a rush before. She enjoyed it, though.

Donghyuck's hands started to roam around under Heejin's shirt. She felt his cold hands all over her warm skin. He lifted her shirt and she arched her back up, letting him remove it from her.

Their lips were still locked. Donghyuck pulled back, a string of their mixed saliva following him as he leaned up. He lifted his own shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side somewhere. He leaned back down and looked into Heejin's eyes.

"You're so beautiful." Donghyuck said softly. "I'll never, ever hurt you."

Heejin brought her hands up and cupped his cheeks. "I know you won't. Even if you do, I won't mind. You don't mean it."

Donghyuck took her lips back in his own. He wanted her. He knew he wanted her. He wasn't going to deny it. And now that's she's ready to want him too, he can finally have what he wants.

Donghyuck started pulling at the waist of Heejin's pants. They came off swiftly. He listened as Heejin fumbled with the belt of his pants, hastily trying to get them off.

Once they were both almost naked and completely vulnerable, Heejin waited for what was to come next. She knew it was what she wanted. She waited for Donghyuck to give her what she wanted.

She watched Donghyuck discard their last pieces of clothing. The moment she'd been waiting for. Donghyuck lowered his body closer to hers and-

Heejin woke up from a deep sleep, sitting up and breathing hard. She was dreaming. It was all a dream.

Why the fuck would I have a dream like that? She thought, wiping away the hair that clung to her sweat drenched face.

"I'm fucking dead." Heejin said to herself, laying back down and waiting for her next wake up call.


Younji walked down the hall to her locker, a skip in her step. She wasn't in a grumpy mood today, thankfully.

She was walking along and minding her own business, when someone pulled her around a corner. She let out a short squeal, before realizing who pulled her around the corner.

"I need your help." Heejin spoke, her eyes sending frantic signs to Younji. "I had a sex dream."

"OH MY GOD! THAT'S SO JUICY! Give me all the details." Younji exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.

Heejin gave her a disgusted look. "You're nasty. It was about Donghyuck."

Younji's eyes widened. "That's wack."

"I know! Why the hell would I have a dream like that?" Heejin questioned, presenting the same question to Younji that she did to herself.

Younji shrugged. "Maybe you wanna have sex with Donghyuck."

Heejin flicked Younji's forehead. "Again, that's nasty. I don't think that's what it is."

Younji frowned and rubbed her forehead. "Why the fuck else would you have a dream like that?"

"I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!" Heejin retorted.

Younji pursed her lips. "I don't have an answer for that. Why don't you ask Donghyuck?"

"BECAUSE THAT'S FUCKING WEIRD!" Heejin screamed. "Why would I tell the person I had a sex dream about that I had a sex dream about them?"

Younji sighed. "I'm not saying you should tell him to figure out why you had it, but that you should tell him because he deserves to know."

Heejin thought about it. Should I tell him? I probably shouldn't. Or maybe I should? I probably should.

Younji scoffed. "You're in denial. Have fun with that. Class starts in five minutes."

Younji then walked away, leaving Heejin confused and dumbfounded. She figured she should just tell him.

She walked to class and sat down next to Donghyuck, propping her leg up on his. She laid her head on his shoulder and looked down at her hands.

"I had a weird dream last night." Heejin said, fiddling with her fingers.

"What kind of weird dream?" Donghyuck asked.

"A sex dream." Heejin replied, starting to sweat nervously. She had no idea how he would react to this.

Donghyuck hummed. "With who?"

Heejin grabbed Donghyuck's hand and played with his fingers instead. "You."

Donghyuck looked down as her and raised his eyebrows. "You had a sex dream about me?"

Heejin nodded slowly. "I don't know why, either."

"I think it's pretty obvious." Donghyuck said, moving Heejin's hair out of her face with his other hand. "You wanna have sex with me."

Heejin almost choked on her own spit. "That's not what that means."

"I think it is." Donghyuck chuckled, letting his hand rest on her thigh. "That's basically what that means."

"But I don't wanna have sex at all." Heejin countered.

"Then maybe it's just your brain that wants to have sex." Donghyuck snickered. "With me."

Heejin groaned. "I give up! I think it was just my brain hating on me."

"Whatever you say." Donghyuck said, squeezing her thigh.

Heejin felt a weird feeling in her stomach when he did that. Do I wanna have sex? No, I don't. Of course I don't. Or maybe I do? NO, SHUT UP BRAIN!


girl dont know what she wants. also i prolly shouldve gave a fair warning,,,, im a dirty minded person and this is where my writing automatically goes skkfkf srry if you dont like this stuff. if i write rlly dirty and unholy shiz,,, ill give a warning before it comes,,, incase you dont wanna read (:

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