Chapter Twenty-Six: Blue Devil

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POV: Infinite

The walk down the middle hallway was extensive and was starting to bore me.

There is nothing here.

Gadget seemed more optimistic than me, his eyes looked hopeful in that we will find Sonic and the Doctor.

Even when he switched sides, his optimistic attitude never changed or ceased.

I was about to complain about how long this hallway was until a flash of blue passed us - almost knocking both me and Gadget off our feet. The blur stopped when he recognised that he passed us and turned around.

"Gadget?" Sonic looked at us, mainly Gadget. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Gadget sighed, "Finishing this, Sonic."

"Finishing this? What do you mean?" He continued, taking a few steps towards Gadget.

"I mean, end this once and for all" Gadget crossed his arms. "This war has gone on long enough, I'm ending it all right here-" his ruby pulsated, "-right now"

Sonic growled as he spotted the ruby on Gadgets chest and not mine - bare in mind I'm still covered in that sticky, green stuff.

Which still stinks might I add.

"What happened to you?..." Sonic sighed. "What happened to that brave hero I knew not so long ago? A hero who stood up to evil, a hero who was there for the team"

Don't you fucking dare turn Gadget against me now, Sonic.

Gadget didn't show any emotion to Sonic's words, "You don't know me."

"I do, and I care about what is going to happen to you if you proceed with this plan" Sonic put his hand on Gadget's shoulder. "This isn't you, you are strong and have a heart of gold!
Please, drop this plan and come back to me, back to the Resistance, back to reality" he pleaded.

"Gadget" I spoke up, catching Gadget's attention immediately.

"We need to move" I insisted, the longer we spent here the more time the Doctor has to escape.

We can always find Sonic, but the Doctor? Heck, he has a large death egg in space! We wouldn't be able to reach him if he retreats to there, the shuttles have been destroyed and Gadget doesn't know how to teleport yet.

If I reluctantly have to spare that blue devil to get to the Doctor then I'll have to deal with it.

"So, that's how it is" Sonic frowned as Gadget walked to my side.

"I thought I knew you, but it seems you've chosen your side" Sonic ran off in a quick blur out of the base.

Dammit, he is going to sign his own death warrant sooner than he knows it if he keeps manipulating my Gadget to his side.

"Come on, we've got work to do" I sighed and continued to trek down the hallway.

I heard Gadget following me but he didn't speak to me after that.


When we finally reached the end of the hallway we were met with a door that was swung open and just barely hanging from its hinges. Walking inside the room, we were greeted by what looked like a large testing chamber for mobians.

Thankfully - or to my internal relief, there were no mobians in the tanks.

The place looked pretty worn down, I assume by a fight between Sonic and the Doctor.

"So you've finally arrived."


A/N : I know this is a super short chapter but there was a lot of important plot development in this one between Gadget and Sonic. The next chapter will definitely be longer and more detailed as we head into the final chapters of the story!

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