Chapter Nineteen: Grief

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Warning for depression, self harm and mentions of suicide.


POV: Infinite

He's gone... dead...

I'm alone again.

Gathering up the strength, I picked up my deceased lover and used my magic to teleport back to the cave, I left my mask at the Resistance bunker as it was not important right now.

I abandoned the plan - for now at least, and slowly sat down with Gadget in my arms, his skin was ice cold and his fur was slightly faded in colour, not the usual bright red anymore.

"Gadget..." I sighed as tears threatened to release from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I sobbed, "It's all my fault"

Tears steamed down my white cheeks and dampened them, my ears folded down as I sobbed more. It was all too much to handle.

"If it wasn't for my selfishness you'd still be alive..." I murmured.

I need to bury you with my squad...

After calming myself down, I stood up and began to walk to the grave site where I buried my squad, I made sure it was completely out of reach on the outskirts of the city during the war because I didn't want to accidentally hit the site with my ruby's power.

The small graveyard was of my creation when my squad died, nobody else knows of this site apart from me.

Beside the four graves that were already there, I layed Gadget down and went to work.

There were some large boulders around the site so I used one of them to carve out a gravestone by the ruby's power. It took a lot of energy from me but eventually - after an hour of carving, I made the gravestone for Gadget.

It read:

Here lies,

Gadget the Wolf

A loving boyfriend, a friend to many and loved by his family.

He will be dearly missed.

Once it was written in the stone, I set the stone aside and began to work on the grave, using a shovel from the ruby I began to dig. Never in my life I thought I'd be digging another grave, another victim of Shadow, another precious life taken away from me.

I didn't focus of my rage currently, that will be supressed for later. I dug for a while more before hopping out of the pit covered in dirt. I glanced at Gadget beside the pit and sighed.

"If only I could've protected you from that bullet..." I mumbled and carefully picked up the light wolf, placing him gently into the grave.

The grave itself was shallow enough for me to just crouch down and place him inside, he looked like he was sleeping. I remembered his last words and stroked his cold cheek, "I love you too"

I spent a little more time just looking at him and remembering all the moments we had when we were together; from the first time we met, to fighting eachother, to confessing our feelings...

I'll miss you...

I stood up and began to fill the grave up to seal it and him inside, regretfully.

After it was done, I gently smoothed the ground around the grave so the grass could grow on it again. I grabbed the gravestone and placed it with the grave. The grave was now complete.

I looked at my squad's individual graves.

You'll be able to meet them now, Gadget...

The place where I made the gravesite was full of small flowers, so I grabbed some and placed them over Gadget's grave.

I stood there for a few minutes, looking over the five graves that stood there now.


Five people I loved...

All gone.

I glanced at my ruby in my chest and frowned, then glancing to Gadget's grave.

It's the only thing I can give him...

I spawned in a small dagger and some bandages as I sat down under a tree.

I want to be with him, but I guess I can wait until my rage has been emptied.

For now, this will have to suffice.

Taking the dagger in my hand, I wedged it in one corner of the ruby under my skin. I winced but proceeded to saw the ruby out of my chest forcebly, using a saw-like motion to get under my skin and take the ruby out from me.

I gritted my teeth in excruciating pain, tears gathered in my eyes and my chest started to bleed as I kept sawing.

After over twenty minutes, the ruby was removed from my body. I sighed as the jewel was removed but remembered that the flesh of my chest was still opened and visible, I quickly grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around my chest to stem the bleeding.

It's done.

Once I finished bandaging my ruby-shaped wound I looked at the bloodied ruby in my hand.

Needs cleaned, but otherwise in perfect condition still.

There was a lake nearby, so I shakily stood up and walked to the lake. As I approached, I slumped down and slowly washed the ruby of my blood and cut off some of my skin that remained stuck on the ruby - thankfully the ruby was waterproof.

After washing it thoroughly, I looked at the gleaming red jewel and smiled softly.

At least a piece of me will be with him...

I walked back to the graves and sat facing Gadget's, I placed the ruby on his grave.

"I'll always be with you in your heart, Gadget"


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