Chapter Twenty-Eight: Finale

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POV: Infinite

I placed Gadget down in the cave and sighed heavily, his ruby was inactive currently and his breathing was shallow but soft. I could see the small trickles of sweat that bundled into larger streams on his forehead and neck.

Chaos, he was definitely exhausted.

He pushed himself too much...

His glasses were falling down his face too, I gently grabbed them and removed them from his face. I placed them beside him and glanced outside the cave, the stench of my body hit me like a train and I almost gagged.

Holy shit I stink.

There was still some green fluid over my fur, it was absolutely sickening.

Looks like snot.



I shivered from the thought. I needed to wash - no - bleach my fur of this fluid or I very well might throw up. The stream isn't far away, I guess I could leave for a moment and take the opportunity to steep clean my body. I nodded at my own idea and left the cave to the stream, the stream was refreshing in itself so hopefully I can scrub the fluid off.

I took my sticky shoes, gloves and scarf off and washed them first to see if I could scrub it off.

Thankfully the green goop came off.

Thank chaos for my claws.

My claws aided me to remove the goop off easier than just using water. Within no time my shoes looked brand new and shiny. I repeated the same process with my gloves and scarf, being careful not to get them all slimy again. Once they were clean I placed them aside on the riverbank and stepped into the crisp water.

I decided to sit in the middle of the stream and wash myself there, it would be easier and would cover a lot of my body at once.

I was there for a good twenty minutes at the least before my lower half was washed and scrubbed thoroughly. This didn't include my long tail.

I wonder if Gadget is awake yet...

Continuing my deep clean, I washed my torso and upper chest, the wound I had from removing the ruby had scarred over and wasn't overly sore anymore. I washed my chin and neck before moving to my lengthy hair that got the most of the goop. It was a pain to wash off, but I got it all off eventually. I could swear my hair is a bit tangled but honestly at least the goop is off, I can handle messy hair over sticky, slimy hair. My tail wasn't as bad as my hair but was still a hassle.

When I was clean and fresh, I stepped out of the stream and shook myself off slightly to aid in drying my fur and hair quicker. My white hair stuck to my back from the water remaining in it and my tail slightly draped to the floor. During my wash, my gear has managed to dry in the scorching heat of the sun so I put my dry gear on and walked back to the cave. I seen Gadget awake which was a relief after being away for so long.

"Glad to see you're awake" I commented and sat facing him.

Gadget nodded with a soft hum.

"You need to rest, you fainted earlier on today" I explained.

I noted Gadget's lack of replies and raised a brow, "You alright?" I asked concerningly.

Gadget sighed, he frowned and hugged his knees close to his chest. He seemed to be troubled by thoughts.

"You can tell me anything.." I approached him slowly and looked at him in growing worry.

I could see Gadget tense as I approached so I backed away slightly to not over bare his mindset and to give him space. I don't know why he is acting like this but it was obviously not going to go away easily. Gadget curled his tail around him and remained deathly silent. I couldn't even see his face as it was covered by his legs.

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