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It's a word that nobody likes. Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, it's a word most people try to avoid at all times.

Saeyoon tried so hard to avoid it. She was tired, heartbroken, lonely, it felt like her whole world had been ripped away from her. One moment her fingers were intertwined with the love of her life, the next...well...Saeyoon didn't remember much of what happened. It was a blur, but she did know she had bandages all over her arms and legs, dried blood stuck to her neck in a hand print, her heart racing so fast it could've bursted from her body. Her hair knotted and thrown into a sloppy pony tail, her lip was cut and bleeding, she couldn't even see from the tears fogging her eyes.


She looked up at who called out her name, Jungmin, her close friend, ran up to her, past nurses and hospital patients, he quickly sat down next to her, Daeho coming in shortly after, her brother kneeled down in front of her, taking her hand in his. "Sae are you okay? Are you good? You aren't severely hurt are you?" Daeho asked quickly, Saeyoon didn't respond, not even with a head nod. "Why were you out so late? I told you that's not safe!" Daeho scolded. A door opened, and Saeyoon's eyes fell to the doctor who stood in the entrance. "Ji Saeyoon?" He called out. Daeho looked at the doctor, standing up, Jungmin helping the girl to her feet, they followed the doctor to the back.

However, in order to understand what brought this girl to this moment, to understand why her heart cracks with every footstep passed curtains of patients, why her fingers covered her mouth, why tears flooded her face, you need to rewind the clock.

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