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Saeyoon smiled cheekily at the waiter who came back to their table and took their plates, the night sky had finally settled, and the large fairy lights dangling over the side of the boat that lit up the deck shined brighter than before. The candle in the center of table was shifted to the side so that the two love birds could lean in towards each other.

It was a peaceful night, something Saeyoon would definately remember. Yoongi's behavior had changed, making it more enjoyable. Along with the dancing men who jollied around in the middle of their dinner, the spectacular food that made Saeyoon's mouth water for more. A breath-taking fire work show that happened just a little bit past midnight, while Yoongi had Saeyoon's hands in his, his brown hair brushed into his eyes again, which he would sometimes break hand contact with Saeyoon to brush back. Which Saeyoon loved, for the way it fell like a waterfall back into place even after he'd try to push it back.

Saeyoon tucked a loose hair behind her ear, fixing the headband, which meant she had to pull her hands out of Yoongi's, who didn't look very pleased at the loss of touch, but she was surrounded by rich people, and more importantly, Yoongi. She was so self conscious of her looks when she was around him.

Peeking down at the floor, she saw the eye of a person staring back up at her, horrified and disgusted, she slammed her foot down onto the crack blocking the person from seeing up. Leaning her elbows onto the table and resting her chin in her hand, she looked at Yoongi who stared back at her confused at her sudden motion. Other confused looks directing at her, since she had slammed her foot down quite loudly.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked softly, Saeyoon nodded, playing it off. "I'm good, so, anything else you want to surprise me with?"

Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head as he poured another glass of champagne for himself, since Saeyoon was denied any because of her age, despite being a senior.

"Nothing really, I don't hide a lot of secrets, I don't get anything to hide so. Besides my job...that's different though." He lifted the glass to his lips, slowly sipping it down as Saeyoon looked down at the water that reflected the moonlight.

"Have you ever been star gazing?" Saeyoon suddenly asked, Yoongi tilted his head slightly to look at her, keeping the glass on his lips, "just wondering." She shrugged, Yoongi tilted the glass off his lip, " Well...I guess not." He pressed the drink back to his lips as he took in more, Saeyoon leaning back on the chair, looking out at the dark sky, which with the lights, was impossible to see the stars.

"Do you want to go star gazing?" She questioned, Yoongi looked out at the water, setting down the glass. "Only if you want to." He leaned forward, Saeyoon nodded, her eyes going down to the moons reflection against the water.

A bunch of chairs scooting below the deck created a disturbance, shouting, and even women screams. Yoongi and Saeyoon looked at each other, confusion in their faces, when suddenly multiple masked men came up the stairs, guns out and aiming around, women shrieked as their hateful eyes looked around. "Robbery! Give us everything on you!" One of the men asked, two others going around to tables.

Saeyoon was about to stand up panicked but Yoongi grabbed her arm, keeping her at the table, the man got to them and held out the bag. "Give us your valuables!"

"We don't have anything on us, sir." Yoongi tried to reason but the man raised his face at Yoongi, which Saeyoon pulled her necklace off and threw it into the bag. "Take it! He doesn't have anything on him!" Saeyoon defused, the man glared at her, letting go of Yoongi and walking away back to the others.

One of the men slowly turned to Yoongi, walking over. "Min Yoongi, never imagined to see you on a nice boat like this." He chuckled, Saeyoon could tell by the evil glare in Yoongi's dark irises that he wasn't fond of the man. "How about you and your pretty little date get off the boat before we light it on fire, eh?" The man whispered, before walking back to the others and heading downstairs.

"What? Yoongi..." Saeyoon gulped, Yoongi shook his head, getting up from his seat. "Can you swim?" He asked hastily, Saeyoon nodded a bit. "Uh not throw me off this boat I swear to go-" She was cut off by Yoongi pulling her to her feet, picking her up, the boat getting hot and flames ignited up on the wood, he threw her off the side of the boat as the fire began to engulf the boat, screams from the inside were muted as she hit the water, sinking down, getting access back to her body and swimming back up to the waters surface.

Lifting her head up and spitting out water, Yoongi falling into the water next to her, his arm wrapping around her as he swam backwards with her, her eyes shocked to stare at the boat they had just been on lit on fire, other people jumping from the boat, police sirens going off and rushing towards the docks.

Saeyoon swam with Yoongi towards the shore, their hands grabbing at the stone wall, looking for a possible way up, only to no avail.

Yoongi went back under the water, his hands grabbing her legs and waist and pushing her up, she grabbed the top of the stone wall, pulling herself up over it, before reaching back over and helping Yoongi climb up the wall.

Back to safety on land, the two flopped to their backs, catching their breaths, soaked to the bone in freezing air, staring up at the sky.

"Why is it every time I'm with you something horribly wrong happens?" Saeyoon coughed, Yoongi sighed. "I have a lot of enemies...I knew it wasn't going to be smart for us to be together."

Saeyoon scooted closer to him, grabbing his arm and resting her head against his shoulder. "I know, it's stupid...maybe there's some place we could go..."

Yoongi went silent. Almost as if he was deep in thought.


"Daegu?!" Saeyoon sat up, observing his face in the moonlight. "It's my home place, it'll be away from here, Seoul is the hot spot for everything horrible, so...why not?" He locked eyes with her. "But Daegu is three hours from here! And I have school!" Saeyoon whined, Yoongi propped himself up on his elbows. "Only for a day, okay? I promise, we'll even go on a weekend."

Saeyoon slumped back in deep thought. She didn't want to go to Daegu, not when she had everybody else here.

"No, I won't go."

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